Bsm Imagine request for Ib1618- part 2 of 3

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Louis's pov- Weeks passed and progress was made every single day. Lauren had finally aloud me to put on my gloves, even though it was little it was still progress. This week I had planned different though, to be able to use my mirror and explorer would be a huge leap forward and will also be able to identify any small details that need attention.

It was 6:00 am in the morning and everybody was up in the household. We all knew the usual drill which is come straight to my room at 6 and we all gather around Lauren and check her teeth. Hopefully doing this will build up her courage that much that one day she will actually be able to sit in a dentist chair at the office, and let us do her check up.

By now every one was in my room except for Lauren, then suddenly the door bursted open and a sleepy looking Lauren budged through the door. "Okay kiddo, you know the drill", I said cheerfully. She just gave me a dirty look and did as usual, placing her head in my lap and opening up her mouth.

Lauren's pov- I opened up my mouth and then the sound of the rubber gloves snapping which made me cringe. "Okay so Lauren we are going to try something different this time. How about I try using these two little guys right here", Louis said holding up a mirror and a pointy hook like thing.

There is no way I am letting that go in my mouth! What If I close my mouth or Louis hand slips? You questioned my self mentally not wanting to know what the result of that would be. You simply shook your head no and closed your mouth. "Come on bub, look show me you hand for one second", Louis said. Following his instructions you handed your hand to Harry who held it for Louis. Watching carefully Louis picked up his explorer. "See look Lauren it's not going to hurt you at all", he said when touching the palm on your hand with the hook. "It's called an explorer and all I'm going to do is scrape your teeth with it. That's all i Promise bub."

Complying you opened your mouth up and both the mirror and explorer as Louis calls it was placed into your mouth. Starting at the back and making his way forward, Louis scraped his was along your teeth, making you cringe as the feeling and sound. It was over and done with in minutes and you medianly shut your mouth. "You did so great Lauren, we are all proud of you", Zayn said helping you up out of your brothers lap.


After following weeks of getting use to using new tools you finally decided on giving the other boys a chance to have a go at cleaning your teeth each day. At the start you wasn't all with it but you eventually warmed up to each and everyone of the guys. The next step now was to let the boys take you to their office.

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