Imagine for gracepatricia97- first date

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Imagine for gracepatricia97- first date

"So how did you guys meet?", the interviewer asked both you and Harry. "I'll hand this one over to y/n", Harry smirked. "Well um you see for my 17th birthday my parents had brought me 2 tickets to the one direction on the road again tour. Yes I was a huge fan even ask Harry, I still have all the dolls, books, CDs, DVDs, posters, the list just goes on. Me and my friend went to the concert, it was great. The concert was just about over and really had to go to the bathroom, so I went whilst my friend taped the last part for me. Somehow I took a couple wrong turns and go through security and ended up bumping into Harry. To be honest I was more of a Louis girl", you smiled at both Harry and the interviewer. Harry was laughing at the fact that you just said that.

~flash back~

"Ugh", you grunted in a little pain whilst you bent over picking up your phone, coming back up you eyes meet what you had just bumped into to. "Ah I'm so sorry, are you ok?", he said helping you up, whilst dusting your clothes. "Oh my, ye-yeah I'm fine", you said trying to tale at look good, which wasn't working due to the fact that you had just bumped your head straight into the one and only Harry Styles. "I'm going to faint", you said quickly before your eyes shut and everything went blank.

"She's coming to", you could hear a voice say. "I hope she's ok", another voice said. "Where am I?", you asked trying to get up but not succeeding due to dizziness. "Your ok, your in our dressing room", Harry said pointing to non other then Louis Tomlinson. "Thankyou for helping me, but I have to get going my friend will be waiting for me", you said getting up and making your way to the door. "By any chance would one of youse know the way out?", Harry's hand went straight up in the air. "This is as far as I can go, if you just walk straight down the hall and to your right your there.", he smiled and you started walking away. But just before you could get anywhere a hand laid on your shoulder, "do you think I could have your number, so I can text you later and make sure your ok?", of cause you agreed what girl wouldn't.

~flash back over~

"Harry's had quite a few girlfriends over the years before you two meet, and a lot of then broke up due to hate from the fans. Did you or do you still receive hate?". The interviewer had asked a very personal question and cold visibly been seen that it effected both you and Harry. "Yes, I did and still do receive hate, even with 2 kids to Harry. It was hard, not just for me but for Harry too.

~flash back~

It was your very first date where Harry had asked you to be his girlfriend, and this is when all the trouble started with the so called fans. "It's great you could make it", Harry smiled whilst greeting you out front of a local KFC. There was people everywhere with just about all of them holding a camera in their hands, but it didn't seem to worry Harry.

Harry ended up taking you home, where that afternoon you went on twitter to check out the latest trends whilst sitting in Harry's arms. That's when it hit you #harrycandobetter #wedontlikeher, where the top trends at the moment. -Whats Harry doing with that poor girl?? Like seriously he can do better- -Ugly skinny bitch taking my man, who's she think she is?- -Go kill your self dumb slut-. You couldn't believe what you was reading, no one seemed to like you and they didn't even know who you was.

"What's wrong love?", Harry asked playing with your hair after peeling his eyes from the television and focusing on you and only you. "Ah nothing, everything's fine", you lied sniffing back the tears that threatened to spill. It really hurt you, you wouldn't think something like this would hurts so deep, no wonder why people kill them selfs these days. "You sure?", he asked knowing something was up. "No I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom". Harry directed you towards his bathroom which was just down the hall.

Going in you did one thing you haven't done for years, looking through the cupboards you found one, washing it down you rolled up the selves to your jackets. The thin metal blade slid across your soft white wrist. Crimson red blood lightly flowing out of your skin and all over the tiles with every cut. "Shit", you yelled noticing the blood on the floor. "Is everything ok in there?", Harry asked worriedly. clearly standing at the door which you had locked. "Ye-Yeah everything fine", you rushed out trying to clean the floor and stop the bleeding. The door handle started to jiggle as if he was unlocking the door.

"Y/n? What have done? Are you okay?", as freaked out Harry asked panicking and dropping to the floor with you. "Why?", he asked looking dead in your eyes whilst holding and applying pressure to your wrist. "People don't like me being with you", you gushed out letting the tears flow as they burned your cheeks. "Don't worry about them, you belong to me, they have no say", He said comforting you. "Now lets get you fixed up", he said grabbing the first aid kit from under the sink and started bandaging up your wrist, all whilst you cried in his arms.

~Flashback over~

"Harry is always there for me no matter what", you said ending the interview.

Hope it wasn't to confusing and hope to liked it.

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