Imagine for Kyla Marie- meeting Niall's mother

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Today was the big day, no not the wedding but equally important, Niall is going to take you to meet his mother. You stood infrequent of your mirror making sure you looked good as a first impression and you had your lovely long brown hair tied up in a bow. Niall came up behind you wrapping his biceps around your stomach whispering a "you look fantastic babe," in your ear as he then planted a soft kiss on your neck.

The car ride was nerve wreaking for you. What if she doesn't like me? What if she gives up on Niall because of me? What if I'm not dressed right? All these sorts of questions rumbled around the inside of my head, until suddenly the car came to a stop. The 30 minute drive now seemed like a 5 minute drive. "Are you okay Kyla?" Niall asked worryingly as he grabbed your sweaty palm. "Fine absolutely fine!," you rushed out just a bit to fast "come on Kyla I know your not fine, tell me what's wrong will you?" "Okay okay, it's just what if your mother doesn't like me?" You asked getting worried every second of what's about to unfold, "she'll love you, don't worry about it."

Hand in hand Niall led you up the drive way and towards the door, standing at the door Niall pushed the doorbell, and in n time there was an middle aged women jumping into Niall"s arms. "Come in come in, please!" You followed closely behind Niall and sat quietly beside him. "And eh might we have here?" Nails mum asked in excitement, Niall pushed n knowing you was nervous, "mum this here is Kayla Marie, and she's my girlfriend I've been telling you about!" "So your the one that stole my little leprechauns heart?, it's nice to finally get to meet you," she said impressing you in the family Horan hug.

After a couple of hours of getting to know each other you realized how much time you waisted worrying over absolute nothing, you and Maura (Niall's mum) got together and had a great time, especially when the old photo books came out to shame the one that stole your heart, Mr Niall James Horan.

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