Dr imagine for 1d_story lover

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You was going on your first trip overseas, and the doctors recommended an visit to the blood bank to get your blood taken which will determine what blood group you are. If involved in any dangerous situation and need blood it will make a lot of things easier. You agreed to this and now is sitting in the waiting room.

"Adele? Just this way", the old nurse said as she took you down an long corridor. Opened the door to the room you laid your eyes on the chair in the middle of the room. "Hi Adele? I'm Dr Payne and I will be doing your blood test today", he stuck his hand out in front of you and you shook his nervously.

He motioned you to take a seat, which you did. Dr Payne turned around holding an needle. Your piercing blue eyes widened in horror, receiving an chuckle off of the Dr. "Don't be scared Adele, this here is just an butterfly needle, this needles only going to drop in get an little blood and then out he comes."

"I don't know about this, I'm scared of needles." You said giving Dr Payne the puppy dog eyes. Before you knew it you arm was being strapped and an cold Cotten swab rubbed over the crease of your arm. "Ticklish are you?", he asked as he saw you chuckle an little. You just nodded your head and he gave you an small smile.

"Okay you ready?", you got your free hand and ran it thought your blonde hair, and nodded your head. You clenched your jaw and squeezed your eyes as hard as you could shut. You yelped as the needle dropped into your skin. "Hmm that's strange!", Dr said quietly to himself.

"What's wrong Dr Payne?", you asked as he pulled the needle out of your arm. "Call me Liam, Dr Payne sounds to stuff. And I can't seem to find an vein. I'm going to have to do it again. I'm so sorry Adele."

Yet again Liam put the needle into your arm and yet again couldn't find your vein. After 3 failed attempts the vein finally came out of hiding. "Uh hu, we have blood", Liam said so excitedly. After he had finally got the blood he placed an soft kiss on your arm before putting an bandaid over top.

"Again I'm so sorry Adele, and I'd like to make it up to you. Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight 7:30?", Liam asked with an glimmer in his eye. "I sure would", you smiled back and he quickly slipped his number into your hand. "I'll call you later", he said with an wink.

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