terminally I'll bsm Louis part 2- imagine for vayn_kilam

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terminally I'll bsm Louis part 2- imagine for vayn_kilam

Louis's pov-

The stages of Huntington's disease where happening quicker then ever then every other known case, including our mothers. Y/n is currently at the memory loss stage, everyday I visit her at the local hospital and everyday she has to ask for my name yet again. The next stage is even more devastating.... Death, I don't wanna loose the last family member I have left. My sister.

A loud ringing noise awoken me at 2am in the morning, coming from my iPhone 6 which was placed down on my bed side table. "Hello?", I asked still sleepy. "Is this Louis Tomlinson?", the voice on the other end of the phone asked. "Speaking". "Hi Louis, my names Ornella from Doncaster district hospital. I'm ringing with some sad news y/n has passed away half an hour ago. I'm sorry for your loss", she informed me over the phone. Everything started flashing through my head mostly memories, much like when our mum had passed away.

Wasn't long after I had managed to make my way out of bed and to the hospital, that's where everything came so real. My only sister had died, I'm now left with no one, how am I going to cope? Pushing down on the handle of the door my eye laid site on y/n's peaceful body which laid still warm in the hospital bed between the white sheets. Her limbs lifeless but her reflection begged to differ. Her pale soft skin looking Like a new born baby's, her pink plump lips and her rested eyes along with the warmth touch of her body. All she was missing was a pulse. I broke down knowing the last person who meant the world to me had left me here all alone.

The funeral day- Not many people had shown up but what's expected when you've lost everyone you loved anyways, along with the shitty weather. There raised above the ground sat a pure white coffin covered in blue flowers and ribbons, y/n's favourite colour. The funeral began and the shades came down, hiding my already teary eyes. "We are gathered here on this very sad day to put to rest y/n Tomlinson. Loving daughter of Jan deceased and Louis." The priest continued to talk about how god and jesus would look after her and his prayers, then it was my time to talk, just before she's finally laid to rest.

"I only see had her. With our mother passing away when she was 3, we where left in a orphanage where we demanded not to be separated. It wasn't until I turned 18 and I left with her. Life was going so good until the day she told me the bad news. Y/n was everything to me.....I'm going to miss her......I don't know what t do anymore", I finished breaking down in tears in front of the small group of people. 

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