Imagine for1DLoveImagines5sos

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Imagine for1DLoveImagines5sos

"Please?" Niall practically begged as he sat across from you on the couch.
"No, my teeth are perfectly fine" You lied straight through my teeth.
"Just one look?" You had had enough of Niall's whining and the making of annoying sounds.
"Fine, one look!" You huffed out in annoyance.
"That's my girl" he smiled whilst crossing his legs and signalling for you to rest your head in his lap.
"Open?" Niall asked, going into complete dental mode. His forehead scrunching up as he moved his finger all around your mouth.
"Honestly, your teeth look like a train wreck. And not to mention the minute those wisdom teeth want to come through they will have to be cut out, there's no room. What was it you said?" Niall asked putting a finger to his chin and looking up at the ceiling.
"My teeth are perfectly fine", he mocked you in a tone.
Slapping him playfully in the arm you got up out of his lap, "fuck you Niall".

You already knew that your teeth where shit, who has canines covering their other teeth? It's just you didn't want to tell Niall the truth, mainly because your scared of how much braces are going to hurt.
You're snapped back to normal when Niall started talking. "You'd be looking at 1 and a half years of braces, that's really nothing compared to people having them for 4-5 years. And if you'd really like I can do them right now, free of charge, and done by myself".
Letting this absorb you came to a conclusion, "fine, lets get this over and done with".

It wasn't until you got to Niall's office, the panic set in.
"Just take a seat" Niall said as he walked from cupboard to cupboard collecting various tools and brackets.
"Do you want clear ones or metal with coloured bands?" he asked whilst holding up two different sets.
"Clear?" you asked nervously.
Niall took a seat behind the chair, reaching out around your neck with clips and a paper bib. "Just to keep you clean" he smiled, which you returned.
The chair started to recline and the bright light above was positioned.
"I'm just going to give your teeth a good clean first and then rub a abrasive material over them so the brackets are sure to stick".
The sound of a small polisher started as he whizzed around my mouth making sure to get in every crack. The paste tasted horrible, making you want to gag as soon as the smell hit your nose.

"Just going to place this cheek retractor in so it keeps your teeth dry and let's me see everything. Okay?" you nodded your head okay, and Niall continued.
Your head immediately jerked away at the sight of a syringe and Niall caught on immediately.
"Oh no, this ain't a needle, it's just the glue so it's easier to apply"  he promised you.
The glue was placed on each tooth, followed by small clear brackets which where carefully placed and positioned with small tweezers, which stuck when come in contact with your teeth. The whole process was uncomfortable, especially when it came to placing the wire and small clear bands over top. With a constant tugging back and forth feeling, along with a large amount of pressure. The curing gun was out and beeping away, which means the whole process must be just about over.
"Done" Niall announced placing his tools down on the tray next to him.
He removed the cheek retractor and picked up a mirror from the tray. Signalling for you to open again he quickly checked everything out. The smile came across Niall's face as if to say how happy he was with his work.

"See it wasn't that bad was it?" Niall asked as he turned the light off and moved they tray away so you could get up.
"It feels so weird"
"It's just the pressure babe, it will turn to pain but will be gone in a couple of days".
You un clipped he paper bib which was around your neck, giving it to Niall who disposed of it.
"Come on let's get you home" he said smiling his perfect smile. That will be something to look forward to.
The rest of the day was spent cuddled up with Niall, eating ice cream and watching movies, all whilst drugged up on prescribed pain killers.

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