Bsm- takes you toy shopping age- 4-8

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Louis- you had recently been sick and Louis thought it would be a great idea to take you toy shopping to cheer you up. Louis picked you up and put you into an car seat in his car and took off down the road blasting I'm a barbie girl. You both danced and sung along to the song. Arriving at toy world you both got out and ran for the shop. Louis was running around the shop up and down each isle, getting over excited as he picked up an one direction Louis doll. "Hey (y/n) I think you should get this", you laughed back "Lou Lou why would i need an doll when I've got the real you?" This made Louis heart melt. Going up to the counter you placed an Lala loopsy doll up on the counter as you waited for Louis. He came out around the corner with an basket, putting it down he placed everything out of the basket, Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn doll, some party poppers, fart bombs, whoops cushions, fake blood and finally some more stuff for you. Oh ow you love your big brother.

Zayn- you was going to be living with Zayn for a while now, as your parent have gone away for 6 month traveling the world. You walked into your new room to a bed and a couple of cupboards. You pulled out your clothes and packed them away. Walking out to the kitchen you found Zayn cooking some 2 minute noodles. "What's wrong baby girl", he asked noticing your sad face. "I have nothing to do, and nothing t play with", you said sadly. Immediately Zayn had an idea and in no time youse where at the toy shop. Zayn so badly wanted you to ask for the nurf guns so it gave him an excuse to buy them, but being the sweet little princes you are you ended up buying an princess set and a cooking thing for a cubby house.

Niall- it was a couple of days to your birthday and Niall was back from tour just in time. He had no idea what to get you and you suggested lets go to the toy shop and with that you and Niall jumped into the ranger over and made your way down to Mullingars (sorry if its spelt wrong stupid autocorrect) local toy shop. You new exactly what you wanted, the special edition little Irish leprechaun doll and you new Niall would gladly buy it for you. Ever since you was little Niall would always spoil you with Irish stuff and just kind of got you addicted to leprechauns. Arriving at the toy shop you ran straight to the leprechaun, there was only 2 left and the last ones ever for this store. "Niall, Niall, look this I want this" Niall came straight over, picking both of them up he took them t the counter. (Back in the car) "Ni, why did you get 2?", you asked confused. "So that we will always be together, remember that and because I love leprechauns.

Harry- the thing you always wanted but was to young for and your mum didn't like the idea, was a tattoo. So when Harry heard about this he and an brilliant idea. It was an Saturday morning and Harry pulled up out the front of your house beeping the horn. You came running out of the house and straight to his car. "Where we going today?" You asked your big brother. "Well I'm actually going to get a tattoo and your coming to watch". I jumped up in excitement, I can't believe I'm going to see my brother get an tattoo. (After Harry got tattoo) "well (y/n) for being such a good girl after seeing that I think you deserve I trip to the toy shop". And with that youse arrive at the toy shop and you are buying all these fake tattoos, so you could be just like your big brother Harry, which he gladly agreed to buy you.

Liam- as a kid Liam never got to go out and buy toys with his parents due to the lack of money. And Liam didn't want it to be the same for his sister. With fame came the fortune, and every single cent was sorted out, always making sure he spent some on you too. Everyday Liam would have something new for you, and today Liam has decided to take you to toy world too buy what ever you would like. (At toy world) "Liam I really don't need anything,you buy me to much", you wined as Liam took you down the isles. But with all the persuading it never worked. Finally giving in Liam brought you a new pair of ice skates, and after that took you skating.

guys I've decided to update every book of mine on an Saturday or Sunday and possibly an Wednesday. Tell me what youse think and don't forget to vote please please please vote guys)

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