Imagine for hd1997

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Imagine for hd1997

Your pov- Living with 2 dentist made it extremely hard to even try to hide the amount of pain you was in right now. That tingling feeling that started over 2 months ago had gradually grown worse and worse everyday.
"Babe?", Niall asked bringing you back to reality.
"Uh yeah sorry", you said quietly as you say between your brother Harry and boyfriend Niall.
"We were just asking if you wanted any of this apple?", Harry asked clearly showing a bowl of cut up fruit.
"No I'm fine thanks", you said quietly trying not to give your self any pain.
Both Niall and Harry stood up and walked away to the kitchen together, leaving you to watch the movie.

Harry's pov- I chucked away the remaining of the apple pieces and placed the bowl in the fridge.
"Hey mate is something up with y/n? She doesn't seem so active as she always is", Niall whispered quietly.
"Yeah I know exactly what's up", I sighed knowing what was to come.
"The other night you two were sleeping, I took the chance to check her teeth. Something just didn't seem right. Even in the dark I could spot a couple of cavity's, I'm not sure of the exact damage, but we have to get her in for a checkup soon."
Nialls face was speechless, "wait you check her teeth why we are both asleep?", he asked.
Slowly I nodded my head, and he soon came in agreement.
"Why don't we just take her in for an appointment today, I mean we have nothing to do and I'm pretty sure Liam and Louis are only there for emergency walk-ins."
"That's a great idea Niall", I agreed now to find a way to get y/n to the office.

Your pov- "where are we going?", you wined in the back seat of Niall's Range Rover, in able to see through the kinky blindfold Harry had found on the backseat of Niall's car. If only Harry new.
"Like I said it's a surprise", Harry said back.
"But my birthdays not for another month!", raising your voice as frustration grew bigger and bigger.
"Just quit it already", Niall laughed back, as you crossed your arms.
It wasn't long before the car came to a complete stop and both Niall and Harry got out of the car, making sure you too was collected for your big 'surprise'.
An awfully familiar smell filled your nose as youse entered the building, but it wasn't until you heard the all to familiar bitching from both Louis and Liam.
"Nice blindfold y/n", you could literally here the smirk Louis would have plastered on his face.
"Shut up you wanka", you fighter back whilst ripping the blindfold off, just as another searing pain shot through the back of your mouth.
"And that there I'm guessing is the reason why you're here on this lovely day", Liam nodded towards you holding your jaw in pain.
With a lot of coaxing and convincing all four of the boys where finally able to get you back into Niall's office. Along with a lot of arguing came agreement that Louis would be the dentist, Liam the assistant whilst both your brother and boyfriend got a hand each to hold and comfort you.

Louis pov- "open!", I instructed y/n. She slowly opened her mouth, allowing enough to room for the mirror and explorer.
I started scrapping and picking at every tooth until I could easily spot what had been causing the pain. 4 impacted wisdom teeth where clearly noticed as the gums where flamed and swollen, along with 4 visible cavity's. Retracting the tools Liam set up the equipment for a couple of X-rays and got that done straight away.
Looking over the new X-rays with both Harry and Niall on each side of me, We couldn't believe what we say. Not 4 but 8 cavity's which would each need a root canal, along with the extraction of 4 wisdom teeth. Y/n took the news pretty well and agreed to be put to sleep whilst we all worked together on fixing her teeth.
First where the impacted wisdom teeth, picking up a scalpel from the new tray of tools Liam kindly set up, I made 4 small incisions in each spot. Placing it back I then moved on to the elevator, which helped pop up every impacted tooth, giving me easy access to remove them with the forceps.
Harry then stepped in finishing sewing back together her gums before Niall singled off each tooth which had to have root canal.

Harry's Pov- with the bite block still between her teeth, set up the drill priced and got ready for the long 8 root canals. Starting up the drill I drilled out the numerous cavities and started scrapping out the amount of nerves and decay from the tooth. Once done I quickly sealed and capped each tooth for extra protection. Y/n started to come too as I was removing the various dams and bite block.
Sitting up the chair Niall rushed to her side and we decided to let them be together. Hopefully she isn't in that much pain.

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