Livingthebooklyf- falling Inlove with Dr Tomlinson

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Livingthebooklyf- falling Inlove with Dr Tomlinson

"Y/n watch out for the!!". It was to late you already slipped on the mess that your friend Luna was trying to warn you about, and to make things worst you was carrying a tray of sterilised brushes and hair combs. Slipping over on the freshly mopped floor a the hairdressers you worked at. "omg are you okay?", she asked helping you up off the ground. "i think i might have to go to the hospital, my wrist really hurts", you say holding your left hand in your right. "Okay, ill call Ella in to cover for you then", Luna said as you gathered your belongings so you could drive yourself to the nearest hospital.

Walking into the emergency room you was greeted by a young man standing behind the desk. "How may i help you?", he asked politely. "Ive fell over and hurt my wrist", "Well ill get you to fill out these papers and when your done bring them back to me". Taking the papers you went and sat down in the very quit emergency room, first time you have been here when its not full. After filling in the papers you handed them back in where he typed it all up into he computer and then told you to take a seat again.

10 minutes later a young small and very sexy doctor worked out dressed up in suit pants and a plaided shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "Y/n?", he asked looking around the room. Shooting up out of your seat slinging your bag over your right shoulder you walked up to him. "Hello, Im Dr Tomlinson", he said shaking your right hand. "Follow me". Walking down the hall you entered a cut off section with a bed here you positioned yourself. "Reading your folder, you have fell over and hurt your left wrist?", he questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Sadly yes", you laughed about the situation you was stuck in whilst resting your hand/wrist/arm against the rest Dr Tomlinson had given you. "Well then we will start with a couple of simple wrist movements and order the X-ray machine", which he did straight away and it would be minutes before it would arrive. He grabbed your wrist stating if it was to much pain to simply say so and not be afraid to, he started twisting and moving your wrist around in ways it would normally be able to whilst accompanied by the extreme amount of pain. "Here it is", he said when the X-ray machine was rolled in by a female nurse. "Thank you Miss." The X-rays where quickly taken and done with, but Dr Tomlinson didn't like what he was seeing at all.

"By the looks of the X-rays your going to need surgery as soon as possible, to secure the broken bones in your wrist with some metal plates and screws and remove all the little fragmentation. Ive booked ahead and there seems to be a free surgery room which i can take you into and do the operation right now. But the final decision is up to you." Thinking it over for a couple of minutes you agreed to get this over and done with as you relied on your wrist for your everyday job. "Great ill get you to sign these papers, and just one other little thing is that i wont be able to put you to sleep, but just make you drowsy because you would have ate in the past 24 hours."

Not even ten minutes later you laid in a white hospital gown on top of the cool stainless steel operating table, flipping between watching everything Dr Tomlinson does to you and staring at the bright set of operating theatre lights directly above you. He just finished inserting the iv needle inside your left arm and now drawing on the lines. "So y/n what do you do for a living?", He asked as he finished drawing and placed the marker on the tool table he had goon ready himself. "Im actually a hairdresser, so i kind of rely on both my wrist. You better do a good job", you joked causing him to give me a funny look. "Don't worry ill do a good job. Your going to start feeling really tired and sleepy and thats when i will inject your wrist to numb it and get started." As soon as he stopped talking the tiredness overtook your body, everything that you should be able to hear has now muffled and everything was going blurry. Thats when Dr Tomlinson started the surgery.

"How you feeling?", Dr Tomlinson asked coming into the recovery room. "Tired", you smiled. "So every thing went great, but i just want to try a quick couple of exercises before the medication fully wears off. So i want you to this with your wrist", Louis said motioning his own wrist in a small slow circle. "Thats it love, your doing great", his eyes twinkled in the hospital lighting whilst his smile brightened the gloomy room, his small chuckles and the way his soft pale hands held your arm and hand for support. "Thank you Dr Tomlinson", you smiled back. "Oh call me Louis." "Thank you Louis", now brushing your hair out of your face with your free hand. "So you will be free to go within the next 3 Hours after all the meds and papers are done, so ill need you to sign hear please. And also I'm going to give you my number here, so you can call me or send a message when ever you need me", Dr Tomlinson said just before saying his good byes and leaving.

2 hours later the final papers were signed and the prescriptions were handed over with the final pain medication, which you gladly accepted to dull the throbbing pain which was coming from your left wrist that just had been operated on. As soon as you got home you pulled out your phone and the number Louis had given you. -Free tonight?? Want to come over and watch a movie or something??- Butterfly's fluted around inside your stomach just before sending the message. Not even 2 minutes later our phone vibrated. -Of cause i am. Whats the address??- Sending your address you got up and attempted to clean up a little and get ready, which included a wardrobe change ;) for when Louis comes around.

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