Imagine for danisanerd

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Imagine for  

"How was your night?", a Grundy voiced Liam asked as he proved him self up in the bed next to you.

As you was about to answer your boyfriend, a terrible sick feeling rose in your stomach.

Racing out of the bed and into the bathroom you threw up the remaining of last nights dinner.

Cold chills, body aches and shakes.

"Dinner was good, but this ain't", you smiled weakly in response to Liam's question from earlier.

"This is no good. I'm going to ring Harry, he'll be able to help you", he frantically panicked whilst getting the his phone and dialling Harry's number.

"Hey harry, it's Liam.... Yeah y/n isn't feeling to well.... Well we went out for dinner last night and now she's spewing everywhere and has cold shivers.... Okay..... Thank you Harry, we'll see you soon then".

Liam came back over to you picking you up from the toilet bowl and carrying you over to the bed.

Picking up some trackies and jumper he undressed you and replaced the old clothes with new fresh ones.

"Harry said he's free All morning so we can head in now and get you checked up".

It wasn't long till yous arrived at Harry's office and he brought yous inside straight away.

"So you was saying you went out for dinner and ended up sick?", Harry asked taking a seat at his desk and opening up your folder on the computer.

"Yeah that's right", Liam spoke for you.

"What did you eat for dinner?", Harry asked again whilst getting his devices out.

"Ah she ordered some sort of chicken dish".

Harry checked my temperature, my throat and ears, heart, and blood pressure.

"I'll just get you to lay down on the bed for me and I'll feel around your stomach".

Doing as told by my older brother I laid back, Harry slightly raised my jumper.

His warm hands firmly pressed into my stomach.

"Food poisoning. That's why your crook. The chicken dish you had must haven't been cooked properly or contaminated. Now I can put you in hospital for a couple of days on an iv drip, or I can give you a needle in your ass and let you be free for Liam to take care of you. Your decision."

Looking back and fourth between Liam and Harry you picked the second option.

"Alright I'll need you to stand up and bend over on to the bed", Harry said.

Embarrassed you did as told and bent over.

Harry pulled down your trackies showing your ass off to your brother and Liam.

He gently smacked and rubbed your ass left cheek before sipping a alcohol pad over top.

"3, 2, 1", Harry slowly inserted the needle.

A stinging sensation burned through your left ass cheek as the liquid was slowly injected.

"Done", Harry said removing the needle and placing a bandaid on top.

both of yous thanked Harry and left to go home where Liam would take care of you for a few days. 

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