Imagine for dugs16

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Imagine for dugs16

You couldn't help but watch as Calum stood close by very close to a former manager of their band. Her eyes would flicker between Calum and my death stare as I watched her hand move all over his body. You couldn't bare it anymore storming off without a word to the curb along the sidewalk outside the stupid building. The tears where finally freed as strangers walked by staring, you just wanted to get out of here pulling out your phone you sent a quick message to Niall asking him to pick you up. Minutes later Calum came rushing outside in a frantic way, panic washed over his face soon faded when his eyes set on you.

"Y/n, wait I can explain", he said grabbing you forcefully by your wrists.
You was caught off guard what did he want to explain? "Explain what?".
"It was only a one night thing", was the words that fell out of his mouth leaving you in shock.
Why is the real question I wanted to ask but couldn't bring my self to. "We're over, and that's the final I'm not putting up with your shit ever again". You said just as Niall's car came into site.

"What happened?", Niall asked as he speed off down the road.
Yet again you broke down not being able to handle the situation that just unfolded. "We're over".
"What?", Niall literally screamed as his foot hit the brake.
"Calum's been off with a former manager and only now had the guts to tell me. I mean what am I going to tell this kid when he asks about his dad? Yeah buddy your dads Calum hood from the Aussie band 5 seconds of summer-".
Niall rudely cut you off- "KID!", he literally screeched. Oh shit no one knows not my brother Niall and definitely not Calum, I guess that's a good thing but at least he won't have to know the truth.

Those 8 and a half months went by fast, slowly everyday your stomach got bigger and bigger. Never in those 8 and a half months did Calum even try to call, text or see you, instead headlines of him being spotted with numerous girls outside nightclubs in Australia. This upset you very much the fact that those 3 years of a relationship got flushed down the drawn in a matter of minutes. Your child would never get to meet their father and he wasn't their to comfort you throughout the time of need. But you couldn't have been anymore happier with your brother Niall, who took his time out with his band to look after you each and every day. Niall had let you move in with him too and the day the baby was ready to come was the most exciting for both of you. Especially when there was twins, a baby girl and boy.

2 years had passed by, with the twins growing up everyday. Both you and Niall had your hands full when it came to taking care of them. Surprisingly enough both shared the looks of Calum except for their nose and lip who they inherited from their mummy and uncle Niall. There was many shared memories you and Niall had together with the two terrors from nappy changes to spewing accidents.

It was a nice day out in London where both you and Niall had decided to take them for a walk in the strollers and get some lunch. Dressing into your walking gear both you and Niall chased the kids around the apartment, attempting to get their shoes on. After 15 minutes success was in the air as both of youse  walked down the streets of London and too the local nandos. It was there that the door opened in the middle of you and Niall feeding the twins, and in walked a very familiar faces. It had only been 3 years but you had to be sure, as he walked up to the counter and ordered that all familiar Aussie accent lifted your heart.

It was when he turned around he spotted your familiar face. "Y/n?", he asked as he walked over.
"Uh hey", you awkwardly said whilst still feeding one of your two year olds.
"Hey mate, long time no see", Niall said as he to continued to feed the other kid.
"Stuck with babysitting are yas?", he asked laughing a little at the end.
"You could say that", Niall chuckled.
You awkwardly sat there not knowing what to say or even do.
"Its funny, they both have the same lips and noses as youse. They have to be Horan's."
"How about a Horan and hood?", you asked nervously waiting for his reply.
It mustn't have clicked for Calum as he sat there dumbfounded. "Calum their your kids", you finally said clearing the tension in the booth.
"Wait, why didn't you ever tell me?", he asked running his fingers through his hair.
"Every since that day you never text me, called me or attempted to find me. You just left and headed home. So I didn't see the need to tell you, especially when you was having the time of your life."
"Can I talk to them?", Calum asked surprising you. But you let him go ahead.

Calum ended up getting back together with you, admitting that day was the worst mistake of his life. Youse all grew back together as a loving family and as always uncle Niall was always there.

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