Breezyloveofficial- one directions opening act/toothache

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Breezyloveofficial- one directions opening act/toothache

Thousands of auditions made its was throught the stadium that day you decided to peform for the chance to become one directions opening act. It waas just yesterday that the phone rang, confirming you had been selected to be one directions openeing act. thrilled, over the moon, exicted where the smallest words you could say to express how happy you could be.

It was finally the big day, "Have a fantastic time darling. ill see you in a month", your dad said dropping you off at the stadium. Collecting your suit case from the car you made your way inside, making sure to show off your ID card which was sent to you in the mail. After 15 minutes of walking around and slightly getting lost you found a sign pointing towards the dressing room, which you followed finding yourself standing in front of the one and only Liam Payne. "You must be Brianna?", he asked sticking out his hand. Gladly excepting you shook his hand, "that's me", you managed to squeak out. "Well this is our dressing room as you can see and well yeah, come with me and we will go and have lunch with the other boys.

Following Liam through the back of the stadium and into a room, there sat Niall, Louis and Harry, all eating the party pies and sausage rolls which where laid out on the table. "Guys this is Brianna", Liam introduced you to the rest of the band. Freaking out inside you tried your best to hide it but instead made this little squeal, all of the boys laughed at you. "Hungry?", Niall asked giving you a plate of pies and sausage rolls which you gladly excepted. Who wouldn't if Niall Horan offered you food.

The music started playing, the beat took over your body and you ran out on stage where thousands of girls and boys where screaming and crying. Your stage name popped onto the back picture boards - Breezy Love - followed by crazy lines hippie flowers etc. "When we first came here we where'd cold and we where clear no colours on our skin till we let the spectrum in... Say My Nammeee", you sung along as you covered the flukes song spectrum (say my name) remix by Calvin Harris. The crowd was going crazy, until a sharp pain pierced your mouth making you topple over and yelp in pain. You barely made in through the song before dashing for the exit.

"What happened out there?", a concerned Harry asked. Holding your jaw you yelped in pain a simple, "my mouth hurts". All four of them huddled into a group whispering stuff between each other. "David, can you hold the show up for 30 minutes?", Louis asked the tour manager who gave him the thumbs up. Confused you asked them what was going on, simply replying with we're gong to help you. All four of them guided you out the back of the stadium and to another bus, walking inside it clearly read on the wall dental examinations. "Wait no... I can't! My tooth's feeling FINE", you freaked whilst being pushed down the hall and into a room.

There was no scary guy dressed in a white coat and rubber gloves sitting behind the chair, which confused you even more especially when Harry sat you down in the chair and had placed a bib around your neck. Only three boys could be counted, until the other emerged from behind the blind with a white coat draped over his shoulder and sat behind the chair. It was Louis. With his glove covered fingers he forced open your mouth wife enough to fit his mirror and explorer inside. Now with tear stained cheeks he scraped and tapped on each tooth until he found the one which was bothering you. You screamed out in pain, "found the problem, it's best if I just pull it", Louis said filling up a syringe of novocain and injecting it into your gum whilst the three other boys held you down in the chair. Switching tools all you could see was a set of pliers heading straight into your mouth, which twisted and pulled at the sore tooth. Everything soon going black.

Out of breath and sweating like a pig you jumped out of the four layers of blankets you had been wrapped up in an bunk bed which did not look familiar, along with a very dull ache in the left side of your mouth. "Where am I?", you asked yourself reaching for your phone hoping it would give you some answers.

Scrolling through your newsfeed on Facebook there was an article that caught your eye. - One Direction hunks Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry styles and Niall Horan are dentists? Yes that's right, reports of the four young man have not only been recording music for their fifth album, but also studying. An inside source has managed to gather details along with each members certificate copies (picture below). Where do we sign up to have our teeth polished clean by these hunks? - The article read.

"Knock knock, how's your mouth feeling Brianna?", an Irish accent asked from around the corner, coming closer revealing non other then Niall Horan. "I thought it was all just a dream", you said just before fainting once again. Niall mumbled a quick, "this is going to be the longest 31 days", before smacking his head into his hand and walking away. 

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