Jennixcx 5sos dentist imagine-

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"What do you mean you scheduled an appointment for me at the dentist?", you yelled at your big brother Michael. "i mean i scheduled an appointment thats in half an hour. Now come on we are going to be late", he stated giggling his keys between his fingers and opening the door, making you walk out first. With your head down you walked straight out and got into the back of yours and Michael parents jeep.

The car ride was quite and consisted of ancient music and Michael attempting to bring up a conversation. Quicker the you thought the car came to a stop, Michael's big head swung around the seat with a smile plastered on. "Looks like we are here", he said unclipping his seat belt. Many thoughts ran through head of all the possible ways you could attempt to get out of this situation, but non that came to thought were good enough. This resulted in Michael having to drag you into the dentist forcefully.

"y/n is here for her appointment with Luke and Calum", Michael said nicely to the young male by the name of Ashton. "Yep thats all good, just take a seat and it shouldn't be to long." You took a seat closest to the door as you planned you escape route, but this was cut short when a tallish light brown haired boy with a lip ring came out and called your name. "Please don't make me go", you begged Michael. "Sorry y/n but you have to go in. Do it for me?". To please Michael you agreed and folowed the dentist person inside and into the dental room.

"Well my names Luke, i will be your dentist for today and this guy over there is Calum, he will just be here to assist me for today", he smiled which made him look cute, whilst the other boy Calum waved in your direction. "Please take a seat, then we can get started", Luke motioned towards the green chair that was positioned in the middle of the room. You managed to climb into the big chair where you held a tight grip on the arms of the green chair.

The chair started reclining, putting you in a horizontal position. Trying to sit your self up Calum rolled over and gently pushed his hand on your chest and pushed you back down into the green chair. "Its okay y/n, just sit back and try to relax for us." Doing as told you laid bak and stared at the ceiling which was covered in all sorts of rain-forests and desserts to city's and beaches, but non of this helped you at all. The clinking of the tools on the metal tray startled you and when the tray was sat down next to you you sinked further back in the green chair, wishing you would just disappear.

Then came the question you had been dreading to hear, "love we need you to open your mouth", Luke said lightly tapping on your chin with his now gloved fingers. Folding your arms you slightly shook your head no. "Please, you can trust us y/n and if at any time you need a break just tell us", Calum told you whilst Luke preyed open your mouth just wide enough to fit his mirror and explorer in.

"Congratulations y/n you are looking after your teeth really well", Luke said scraping and picking away with his metal tools. He suddenly stopped and asked Calum to bring up the past X-rays and pictures straight after you had gotten your braces off. "Wha-Whats wrong?", you asked worryingly as they both studied past X-rays and pictures then come back

and get you to open your mouth and check your teeth.

"Well y/n, remember when you had braces? It looks like your canine tooth has started to move back out. Now to fix this we wont have to put braces back on, instead we will just put a couple of brackets behind the 3 teeth to pull it back into place, easy as that." You was nervous as hell now because you had to get partial braces again. "Will it hurt?" "Of cause it will", Calum said freaking you out even more. "He's only playing with you, it wont hurt at all", Luke said getting his tools and braces parts ready.

Sitting back down he picked up he cheek retractor and inserted it in your mouth to help. Cleaning around the 3 teeth, he applied glue and started the process of the brackets and wires. The best thing about it was that they where hidden behind your teeth. Once done you did the rinse and spit. "Okay so we are all done here, i will set up a appointment for next month to get it tightened and another checkup." Free to go you left in a little pain and went straight out to your brother Michael to show him your new bedazzled teeth (note the sarcasm)

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