Imagine for bethany9090- Disney land

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✔Imagine for bethany9090- Disney land

For the past 3 years the twins Charlotte and Penelope had only dreamed of going to Disney land to meet all the princesses and princes, along with their favourite toy story characters blame Liam for that, and superheroes. For their 6th birthday Harry had agreed to take them to America so we all can visit Disney land for the first time as a family. The girls where nervous to start with when boarding the private jet but when we landed they where jumping with joy.

"Daddy! Mummy! Can we go to Disney land now?", they screamed jumping around in circles in front of both you and Harry. "Not right now girls, mummy and daddy have to get some rest them we will go", Harry's said distracting the kids whilst you grabbed the luggage off the handler and thanking him. "Naw but that's not fun", Penelope yelled whilst Charlotte started stamping her feet and pulling her own hand. "Charlotte!", you yelled making the 6 year old stop pulling her own hair. Youse all started to walk to the exit to where the rental car was waiting "Bethany!", someone called your name turning around the luggage guy was running towards you holding a little pink suitcase. "Thank you so much you said taking the suitcase off of him and youse all continued to the exit and made your way to the hotel which you had already booked.

The next day soon had come and youse where all up bright and early for Disney land. Harry had got the kids read along with hims self whilst you got to stay in bed a little bit longer. "Mummy! Mummy! Get up where going to Disney land", both Penelope and Charlotte yelled whilst jumping up and down and around you on the bed. "I'm coming gosh girls", you harmed getting up slowly and making your way to the shower. "Everyone nearly ready?", Harry asked as he gathered the keys, wallets, purses and backpacks". And yous all pilled out the door and back in the car.

There where towers and castles, shops and rides, princesses and princes, pirates and superheroes, and so much more, just when we walked through the gate. "Penelope, theirs repunzels tower", Harry pointed out whilst bending down to her height. She started to jump around and shake, "can we go there first daddy, pppllllsss". Youse agreed and youse walked over to the tower and started climbing the stairs, "oh my god, oh my god. I love you punzzel", Penelope ran over hugging onto her leg. "Acting cool the princess bent over and started talking to her. "Can I touch your hair?", Penelope asked then got to touch her hair. After getting photos youse went off to explore some more.

"Daddy?", Charlotte asked sadly tugging on his pants. "Yeah sweetie?", he replied back. "I can't find barbie the mermaid", she said sadly. Harry looked straight at you obviously not knowing what to say. "Honey, barbie mermaid doesn't live here", you told her. Her head went down as she made a sad sound. "But theirs Snow White", Harry said spotting her. Charlottes head popped right up "where?". "Next stop Snow White", you stated holding Penelope's hand and walking over.

There was Snow White and the seven dwarfs all singing and dancing around just like the scene out of the movie. Charlotte stood there in aww, as she admired one of her favourite princess. Then out of know where the prince road in on a hoarse and to collect Snow White. Charlotte couldn't believe what was happening And quickly got some photos with both the princess and prince. "Helps when your daddy's Harry Styles doesn't it?", he smiled leaning in and kissing you. The rest of the day and night consisted of even more princess's and prince's, photos and videos, food and drinks, bright lights and glowing stars, pirates and superheroes, and lets not forget that famous little mouse called Mickey.  

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