sids Niall horan

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screaming for kid back

goes to wake up for bottle

Niall's pov- "I love you so much my baby girl. Night Tate." I kissed my little baby girl of 3 months night, closing the door behind her and hopping in my own bed, where i laid all by my self, lonely as can be. Closing my eyes, my memories of her came flooding back. The time i proposed, the time she told me she was pregnant, and especially the time she gave birth to our baby Girl. Thats a time i will never forget, especially when she told me she loves me for the very last time.

All i have left now is Tate, she is my new princess and no one can take her away from me. Turning on the tv i flipped to the music station, tonight was the greatest hits of all time. Ed Sheeran and Sia soon ended then One direction came on. We had it all, the fame, the money, the girls, the world. After 8 years it all came crashing down when Liam collapsed on stage in Australia, both his kidneys failing. Liam somehow lived but was never the same, we decided it was time to call it quits, due to the health issues.

We all are still great mates, but like i said everything went down hill from there, Zayn and louis, started hitting the heavier drugs which caused Louis to have a near death experience after over dosing. Zayn, him and Perrie split after getting married and having 4 children. Harry, well he finally came out of the closet and told everyone he was bi-sexual, but right now he's married up with this playboy model. Then theres me i proposed to my soon to be with and later found out she was pregnant, but like always something bad always comes with the good. She died during child birth just 3 months ago and left me and our little girl Tate here alone.


With one eye open i peaked a glimpse at the clock. 1:39am thats strange, Tate should have been up and crying by now for a bottle. Grunting, i ripped the blankets off of my body and stumbled to the other bed room and over to the cot. Putting my hand on her cheek she was warm, but for some reason i still didn't feel right. turing on the light i checked again. "Tate!!!??? No, No, No, This cant be happening". The tears started to fall, and my breathing started to pick up.

"Shit!!", i said to my self running my fingers through my hair whilst stressing big time. Picking up the phone and with shaky fingers i attempted to dial (emergency number) "My baby, shes not waking up, 3 months." "Okay sir the ambulance is on their way right now." All i could do was hold my baby girl in my arms and cry. I kissed her still warm cheek. "Why, Why do you have to leave me too? Please don't lave me by myself."

By the time the ambulance came, it was already to late. She was gone, and i was officially left alone in the world. "Harry", i sobbed into the phone. "Shes gone, Tate". i had told all the boys and i was officially lost. i went and stayed at Harrys for the night as it was only over the road. "I'm so sorry", both his wife and him said as i came inside. I cried myself to sleep for the last couple of hours.

Waking up the next morning it was offically all over the news and media. Trending on twitter was #ripbabyhoran #riptate #flyhighbabyhoran and #staystrongniall. All of a sudden it hit me all over again, the replay button was hit and the visions from last night replayed all over again in my mind. "Shes gone!!! Why??? My baby girls dead!!!". Harry came running in to the bedroom, pushing me back down and hushing me.

I have nothing else to live for, so why should i live at all???

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