Imagine RealMadrid_10 dentist 5sos/1D

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Imagine RealMadrid_10 dentist 5sos/1D

Jennifer's pov- there was a knock on your bedroom door. Waking up slowly you picked up your phone to check the time- 6:19am. "Baby girl, it's time to get up and ready, you have a dentist appointment today", your brother Harry said, as he came in and sat down on the end of your bed.

"What? No I can't it's to early", you replied clearly tired from trying to pull an all nighter. "Jennifer you have to go, I can't just keep cancelling the appointments all the time, Liam's catching on and to make it worst he's coming with us", Harry pouted. "But I hate the dentist, they always hurt my mouth more then what it did to start with", you said nearly on the verge of tear. "I understand Jennifer I hate the dentist too, but you haven't been in over 2 years. So please hurry and get ready before Liam comes in making a bigger fuss over it."

Harry left your room closing the door behind himself, leaving you to get ready. Rolling out of bed and making your way over to the closet you pick out a nice bad boy looking t shirt, with some ripped denim shorts and a pair of hightop converse, all topped off with a bandana in your hair. After having your shower getting dressed and doing your hair and small amount of makeup you was ready for the torture that laid ahead.

"You ready baby girl?", Liam greeted you as you walked down the stairs and out the front door with both your brothers leading the way. A twenty minute drive of absolute silence made you even more nervous and queasy, as every minute concluded you got closer and closer to the dentist office. Before you knew it the car came to a stop and doors where being opened. "Jennifer, come on your going to be late", both Liam and Harry said which was totally normal as it was like a twin thing.

You obeyed them like the good sister you are and slowly followed in behind them. Pushing the office doors opened you was amazed with the bright splash of green and yellow walls, with a lot of modern sculptures. You and Harry took a seat in the waiting room as Liam walked up to the counter and checked you in straight away.

Sitting on your phone playing a game attempting to distract yourself, you was then shaken by both Harry and Liam. "Jennifer, your name just been called, come on we have to go". The dentist greeted you with his great big smile, "hi Jennifer? I'm Luke, and I'll be your new dentist from now on", both Harry and Liam shook his hands and introduced their selfs. The tall man with his lip pierced turned around and started walking down the hall and into a separate room.

Your breathing jumped a level as youse entered the room. "Jennifer if you'd like to take a seat on here for me? And Harry and Liam their are a pair of seats right here for you two", Luke said as he placed a big around your neck. Harry and Liam both gave you the thumbs up as you sat their shitting your self. "Okay so we will just start out with the basic profile and questions. So it say your 15, that's right? Not allergic to any medication or materials? And last one have you had any pain/aching, swelling or tenderness?". Every answer was a yes except for the last one even though a couple of teeth have started hurting lately.

"Okay so I'll just have a quick look, then do a cleaning and some X-rays and if alls well you will be fine to go", Luke smiled before placing his face mask on. Luke taped on your jaw, "sweetie I need you to open up for me", but you just couldn't. After having both Liam and Harry holding each hand yo finally gave in,knowing you didn't have a choose.

Picking up his explorer and mirror he placed them inside my mouth and started scraping along the surface of my teeth. "Could you bite together for me Jennifer? That's very good". Luke retracted his hands shortly after, "everything looks fine, but it's always safe to have a X-ray done just be double sure. The only other thing that's a problem is how her teeth are crooked. These create an over bite and if you'd like I could get my partner of this office Calum who's a orthodontist to come in and get a free consultation?". Liam agreed to the dentist as Harry sat their video tapping the whole thing.

Opening again Luke started up the polisher and started polishing your teeth with a mint flavoured tooth paste, setting down the polisher he left to go get his partner Calum. "Why are youse doing this to me? My teeth are fine, and they don't need anything else done to them. So what I think is that we should make a run for it right now whilst the dentist is out," you panicked out. Liam and Harry just laughed at your stupidity.

"Hi Jennifer I'm Calum, would you mind if i Took a look inside?", with out hesitating you opened you as it was now 4 against 1. Putting in his mirror and explorer he counted all the little crooks and recorded the length of them. Snapping his gloves off, he turned to all of us. "It's pretty clear she will need braces due to her overbite and also the measurements of each crooked tooth is outstanding large. If youse would agree to having braces put on you could arrange an appointment at the front desk when finished."

Liam and Harry both thanked Calum but instead of leaving he stayed, to help as sit with the X-rays. Small talk was exchanged through the two dentist/orthodontist as they examined the X-rays. "So unfortunately you have two small surface cavity's that can be fixed right now and we won't even need to use a Novocain", Luke said happily, causing not only you but your brothers to curse under their breath as they knew what was about to happen.

You tried to make a run for it but was to slow when both your brothers and the orthodontist Calum grabbed you and had held you down on the chair. Luke inserted a device to hold your mouth open and then the loud wiz zing sound of that all familiar dentist drill started. That's when you blanked out.


You started to come to in the back of the car, your mouth aching from the result of what just happened. "We are so sorry baby girl, we promise to make it up to you when your mouth feels heaps better", Liam said as he looked in his mirror. Something felt different about your mouth and as soon as you ran your tongue over your teeth you could feel little bumps of metal. Braces!!!!

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