Louis doctor request for multimusic

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"Harry!!!", you wine after just jumping on the trampoline and fell off hitting your arm on the metal pole around the trampoline. Your arm was strangely distorted and "Omg y/n what the hell have you done to your arm", your twin brother Harry asked as he too jumped down off of the trampoline and rushed to your side.

"Hhhaaarrryy, it really hurts", you cried to him in pain. "Um I think you've broken your arm", Harry said awkwardly whilst looking at it and scratching his head. "No shit Sherlock!!", you yelled back in annoyance. "Can you just take me to the hospital already?". Not long after youse where climbing into Harry's range rover and speeding off to the local hospital.

You was put into the emergency unit a soon as you signed in and now all you had to do was sit in the bed and wait. Both you and Harry were quietly talking when the curtain around your bed was ripped open and then closed again. The dr stood back to youse and then turned around head down reading your chart. With a couple of groans and whispers to his self, his head came up.

He was stunning, the most beautifulest angel You've ever seen. You sat there stunned, which properly was a little creepy as Harry had to nudge you out of your little dream. "Hi I'm dr Tomlinson, and I'm your doctor for today", he laughed out as you recovered from your previous state. "Okay so your chart say you where jumping on a trampoline and came off? Yep ok well are you experiencing any pain right now with out moving it?". You shook your head no.

Dr Tomlinson took a seat on the end of your bed and pulled the dinner table across. "Ok so could you place your elbow up on the table just like this?", he demonstrated. "Good very good, so I'm just going to twist in and feel around for any breaks and then we will get an X-ray". The pain was excruciating as he twisted and felt around your arm, Harry grabbed your free arm and whispered soothing thoughts into your ear. Not long after dr Tomlinson ordered an portable X-ray machine to your bed.

As youse waited Dr Tomlinson decided to start chatting. "So y/n how long have you and your boyfriend been together?", he motioned towards Harry that sat in a chair next to the bed. "Oh no, haha, he's not my boyfriend never in a million years would I date my twin brother", you laughed out to see dr Tomlinson's facial expression. "It's Harry by the way", Harry said leaning in and shaking dr Tomlinson's hand. "What about you dr? Have you got a girlfriend?", you asked all starry eyed. "We'll there's this one girl, she's the most beautifulest angel I've seen in my life and she seems to be sitting across from me". You went all read and Harry did his weird smirk/chuckle thing. Just before you could reply a young lady came through the curtain with a machine.

~after taking the X-ray~

"So you've fractured this bone right here in 2 spots. This will need surgery as the bones are broke in the most distorted way and fragments have shattered. Unfortunate we can't do the surgery straight away and I will have to book you in, I my self will perform the surgery. And for the time being we will just have to wrap it up."

Dr Tomlinson booked you into surgery for the following day, and just as youse where walking out he ran down the hall with a piece of paper. "Before i Forget this is my number, and next time call me Louis." You looked up into his eyes dumbfounded and then everything went black as you fainted right in front of him.

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