Request for- 1D_storylover gynaecologist-Niall

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Being 18 wasn't all fun and games, it also consisted of being a grown up, making your own appointments and the one thing every girl hates for their first time is visiting a gynaecologist. Like just the name was scary and then the thought of having some complete stranger which is most likely to be a man look into your vagina and feel around is even scarier. But it had to be done, and that dreaded appointment was made, with you guest it a male doctor by the name of Dr Horan. Most likely a creepy old man.

You waited in the waiting room at the doctors office, the smell of cleanness filled your nose. All you could think of was did you clean down below properly? What if it smells funny? Your thoughts were soon interrupted by a young lady calling out your name in the waiting room. You quickly stood up placing your hand in the air "that's me", you attempted to smiled to cover up your nerves. "Follow me Miss y/l/n". And you followed the young lady down the hall and off into a side room.

"Dr Horan will be here very soon, he's just on his way from home." You nodded your head. "So if you'd like to change into the gown that's placed on the bed for you, and when your ready just open the door a little". With that the young lady closed the door and left me all alone in the room to change. Starting to strip off you noticed a bench at the end of the bed full of all different shiny stainless steal tools. Just looking at the tools gave you the shivers, thinking of all the different things Dr Horan will do to your vagina with them.

You took everything but your bra off and placed the gown over your head, pulling it down so it covers you properly. And opened the door a quarter of the way. Sitting on the edge of the bed there was a silent knock on the door, your heart started racing, knowing that the Dr is just outside and what he's going to be doing. "Come in", you silently squeaked out.

The door opened you was mesmerised by this Dr Horan, he wasn't who you thought he would have been. He wasn't that creepy old man, instead he was this gorgeous blond haired blue eye young man, most properly in his early 20's. "Hi I'm Dr Horan, you must be y/n, right?". You nodded your head still mesmerised by him, and oh his Irish accent, he's knows how to get the lady's.

"So its just a normal check up and just the normal tests then?", He asked picking up the clipboard with all your details on it and skimming over it. His bright blue eyes flickering in the light as he glimpsed up over the clipboard looking you over. After he finished reading he placed the clip board down and headed over towards the end of the bed. Slipping on some latex gloves he made small talk, as he could see you was very nervous. "So is this your first time seeing a gynaecologist?". "Yes", you say looking down at your gown and playing with the edge of it.

"Ok, so to start off I'm going to get you to place your legs into these here. They are called stirrups and your going to place your feet into them. These will help keep your legs apart for me and make the whole appointment easier." You nodded in response as Dr Horan pulled out these device things that he calls stirrups with his gloved hands. He carefully guided you feet into the device.

Keeping your legs together, he rolled over the tray of tools he had waiting to be used. "As it's your first go and you look terribly nervous, I'm going to try and guide you through step by step of what I'm doing. Ok?". "Ok", you croaked out in reply. "We'll first I'm going to need you to open your legs". You spread your legs apart to what you though was a comfortable width. His pale soft skinned hands slid down your thighs, pushing them ever so gently apart, the cold air exciting you. "Great. I'm just going to feel around and have a little look."

The coldness of his hands touched your warm core, making you shiver in excitement. Trying to hold back the moans whilst he felt around, but completely failed. A moan escaped, you tried your hardest to cover it up but you could see Dr Horan's head pop up. "You like that don't you?", he smiled. His head went back down, and this time you felt a warm wet tongue licking out your insides and driving you crazy. With your back arching and head leaning far back, your vagina became moister moister every second. As you was about to release all your juices and reach your high Dr Horan stopped.

His hands reached for his belt and quickly unbuckled himself. You wanted it just as bad as he did, when you saw what waited after dropping his pants. Trying to sit up and get a better look he pushed you down with force. Grabbing your hips with his pale soft hands he immediately started inserting himself in to you. At first it hurt a lot but he waited for you to get use to his thickness. Pumping in and out of your now soaking wet vagina he pulled one hand off your hip and started flicking your clitoris.

"Oh Dr Horan!!", you yelled in pleasure. "Niall, my names Niall." And youse both continued to fuck each others brains out. "On three. One, Two, Three". You both released each others fluids into/onto each other. Pulling himself out, his blue eyes flashed a colour of gold in the light. "I think I found my self a keeper", he said writing out his number on your arm. "Now y/n how about we finish this exam and then we can go back to my place?".

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