Imagine for Jennifer- bsm dentist-

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It was an normal lazy sunday, you and your big brother Harry where in the back garden playing an game of football/soccer along with all of his mates, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam. "Okay Jennifer you be goalie", Louis yelled out instructing you to be the goalie for the first 5 minutes. Within an couple of seconds the game had started and already the ball was making it to your goal.

"Come on Niall and Liam, steal the ball off of Louis", you yelled as the other team consisting of your big brother Harry, and his mates Zayn and Louis. "Nnoo", you screamed as you through yourself over the goal as the ball came shooting towards you. There was no yells of cheer, just an loud thud that echoed through the back yard.

"Oh my god, Jennifer are you okay? Where did the ball hit you?", Harry asked as all the boys raced to your side. You let out an soft cry of pain as you grabbed your mouth, and pulled away one hand. There was blood. "Your mouth Jennifer!", Niall exclaimed as he came closer to get an better look. "Smile for me darling", Liam asked as he tried to pry off your hands. "Crap Louis look what you've done!", Zayn whispered out with an shocked expression on his face. "I'm so sorry Jennifer", Louis hushed you as he rubbed your back.

"What's wrong?", you asked wanting to touch your teeth but non of the boys would let your hands and fingers any where near that area. "It hurts Harry, what's wrong my teeth?", you whined still sitting on the ground. No one wanted to answer your question because just knowing that you will freak out is bad enough, but Zayn finally decides you need to know. "Jennifer, your two front teeth are chipped and all your braces are broken."

"Nnn-ooo, I don't, you won't, Louis why?", you started hyperventilating just knowing that you will have to go to the dentist, and to make matters worst all 5 of the boys your are with now work with/ or are dentists. "Come on bub, we are going to have to go fix this mess Louis made. And to your defence all of the boys picked you up and carried you out to Niall's range rover and headed off down to their conjoined dental office.

The car ride their was traumatising, along with a lot of pain came a lot of tears. And frankly the boys didn't care as they new this would tire you and make their job easier. Zayn put you over his shoulder and carried you into the building as Liam and your big brother Harry headed off to get all the tools ready. Zayn carried you into Harry's office and laid you down in the big blue chair.

You faced the big screen in front of you and you watched your reflection. You was an mess by now, tears still running down your face and eyes all puffed up, it was hard to believe your 14 years old. "Now Jennifer you have to stay calm and still when Harry Liam and Louis fix your teeth, but then Niall has to fix your braces too, and you don't want to be using the board right?". Zayn said as he sat down next to you.

Yes to make matters worst you had braces (if anyone who's had braces has got hit in the mouth, comment your experience please. Every time I have p.e. I get hit no matter what and they absolutely kill). At the dental surgery Niall was the orthodontist, and then you have Harry the dentist and his assistant Louis and then Liam the dentist and his assistant Zayn.

The door swung open to reveille 4 boys all with white coats draped overtop of their normal clothes and them all wearing face masks. Louis headed straight over to the sink and gathered the tray sets of tools and brought it over to the chair, as Harry and Liam each grabbed an stool and wheeled it up behind your head. The chair started recline and the bright light was position over the top of your mouth.

The tears came back, "no! I don't want them fixed! Leave me alone!", you yelled now trying to push Zayn off the top of you. Harry sighed as he new it's happening again. " she does this all the time, Louis you know the drill." Louis got up and headed for the cupboard as you still struggled to get Zayn off of you.

Moments later you was tied down on an big board and is unable to move an finger. "Now open up darling", Liam said calmly. You couldn't shake your head due to that was tied down too. Both Liam and your big brother's fingers pried at your mouth, "do you really want us to put you too sleep?", Louis asked even though he new the answer was no.

Your reasons why you never liked to be put to sleep at the dentist is because 1- you was scared that they might ruin your teeth and you just had to know what they were doing. 2- you was scared that when you was asleep they'd accidentally drop something down your throat and you'd choke. And 3- the drug used to put you asleep made you terribly sick for the next couple of days (this happened to Harry too, runs it the styles's).

Their fingers still attempted to pry open your mouth and some way your jaw weakened and they was able to look at the teeth. "Look what you did Louis, this is going to take along time of to get these teeth perfect again", Harry said as he started touching your teeth with his now gloved hands. "Does that hurt?", Liam asked as he too started touching your teeth", not being able to nod your head yes, an little squel of pain escaped your mouth. Yes it did hurt a lot.

"Louis, can you get the an rubber dam and 10ml of novocain ready for me?", Harry asked. Liam had hold of some pliers and started to snap off your top braces, you cringed every time a bracket was snapped off. "Just a lot of pressure Jennifer, that all it is just pressure and soon you won't be able to feel a thing", Liam hushed you.

The pliers where placed down on the blue sterile paper covered tray and up picked an needle. Tears started pouring out again as Louis lifted your you top lip and Liam inserted the needle into your gum. It hurt a lot but knowing you won't be able to feel an thing filled your head.

Harry inserted the rubber dam into your mouth and set to work at fixing your teeth. An yucky paste was placed onto your teeth and dried then Harry picked up the mini sander. "don't worry Jennifer, remember your our art project and all this is just to clean your teeth up." The mini sander was placed into your mouth. You cringed at every loud sound, just wishing that it would be over soon. Harry set down the mini sander.

It was now Liam's turn to do an quick checkup. He picked up his sickle and mirror and ran them across all your teeth. His sickle never stopped which meant no cavity's. "well done Jennifer, no cavity's this time". Harry, Liam and Louis got off of their stool and they were replaced with Niall and Zayn.

"Thanks to Louis, now you will have to wear these braces for another 4-6 months", Niall said as he waited for Zayn to gather all the right brackets and glue together. Ou let out an sigh, "don't give me that look, that should be for Louis he did this to you", Niall chuckled out. Zayn came back and placed all the supplies on the tray.

Niall picked up the explorer and started scrapping away the left over glue. "Can I have bracket A1?", Zayn gave Niall the bracket and glue and he got stuck into doing the braces again. -------- "all done Jennifer". Zayn untied you from the board and you jumped up and ran straight to Harry's arms. You cried into his shoulder as they all hushed you saying how sorry they were for making you go through that.

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