One direction sad imagines- they kill them selves 2/5

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Liam- your pov- "y/n every time I fall down no ones there to pick me back up, instead they all just walk over the top of me." Liam yelled trying to make an point. Liam was always considered the good one, but when youse made it public about your relationship that had been happening for over an year now, everything went down hill. Not only was your now revelled relationship all over the Internet and in the magazines, but everything in the articles and on the Internet was an lie. "I've had to deal with people like this for over 4 years y/n and Im fed up with it, I don't want to listen to this shit any more." Liam yet again yelled , whilst stomping out of your flat and into his car.

Liam's pov- I'm ready to end this shit, I've put up with it long enough and frequently I don't give an shit what any ones says about this, because I won't be here to hear it.

Y/n, I guess we weren't meant to be together in this life. No I'm not breaking up with you, never in an million years would I ever. I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you and I'm sorry for not being perfect for you. I've left you everything and say hi to the boys for me. I hope one day we will meet again, and get an second chance at love yet again. From your hero Liam. Xoxo

I placed the suicide note on the kitchen table, and made my way up to my bedroom, and opened up my wardrobe. Inside the wardrobe I got out the rope and hung it to the ceiling fan. I closed the door, stood up onto my bed and took my final breaths.

Y/n pov- he left so quick you didn't have time to think about what just happened and for some reason you blamed it all on your self it was your fault, if you never bumped int him that day he wouldn't have to worry about you. After crying for over an hour you thought you would go to Liam's house and finally end your relationship, making it better for everyone.

"Liam, I'm sorry about before, but I've come to an decision that's best for the bo--", you was cut short when you walked into kitchen and seen an note. Reading it you soon realised what was going on. "Liam, don't please, Liam!", you screamed out as you raced up stairs to the bed room.

"Liam! Why?", you cried as you started cutting him down from the ceiling fan. It was to late no one could bring. "Why?" You cried int his limb body. A million thoughts raced through our mind as you laid on the bed with your now dead boyfriend.

"Guess what Liam, today's the day we will meet again, and today's the day we will get an second chance at love", you whisper cried as you picked up the knife and brought it to your throat.

With one quick slice your life was ended and you was reunited with your one true love. "To infinity", you said as taking Liam's hand, "and beyond", he whispered whilst kissing you. And youse walked off into the light together.

Niall- Niall's pov- I've had it. No one loves me, no one cares about me, and all the hate is to much. I can't stay here anymore, I'm ready to leave and forever. I'm not quite sure yet how I'm going to do it, but I know when. I want to do it today, i feel as if I'm ready and I'm over my life. I guess people where right all along, money can't buy you happiness or love.

I guess I should right an note shouldn't I?

To dad and mum, Greg and Denise, Theo, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam. I'm sorry for all the shit I've put youse all through over the years. Don't forget I love youse all will youse. It's my time to leave now, I've lived my life and frankly don't wanna finish the end of it off. I guess this is good bye for now.

I didn't know what to put on the note, my mind just went blank and I really couldn't care about it. So I did what had to be done I pulled out the butchers knife and locked myself into the bathroom.

Staring at myself in the mirror I raised my arm. The blade slid softly over my pale skin, "this is for the haters", and then another slice "this is for all the times I've done wrong", "and this is for the girl I failed to make my princes". The final slice went deep and started bleeding out everywhere. "there's no turning back now" I whispered to myself as I fell to the ground.

Your pov- being Niall's best friend you had an key to his home. You decided to go and visit him and say sorry for what happened the other day.


"Y/n we've been best friends for ages, and I'd like to take it further. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?". Niall asked.

-flashback over-

It all happened so fast you wasn't ready to start an relation ship with one of my best friends.

"Niall?, Niall? Are you home?". That's strange you made your way upstairs and into his bedroom, where is he? "Niall?". Walking around yo notice the bathroom door is closed which is odd because he never closed it.

Many thoughts crossed your minds and all you could think about is the bad stuff. "No Niall, open the door now", you screamed out. You rushed and got the spare key and opened the door.

"Nnn-ooooo, Ni Ni-all why Ni. Why did you do this to me? Come back to me Niall", you cried out. "I love you!", you whispered into his ear and then kissed his cold lips. "I love you!".

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