Bsm- toothache/dentist for mia2409

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Bsm- toothache/dentist for mia2409

"Okay class, we have an assignment here that will be due in 2 weeks time", the teacher boringly said as you chewed on the pen lid. Everyone let out a moan except you, yours was an more of an scream. The whole class just stopped and stared at you, "miss Horan are you alright?", the teacher asked you. Placing your hand up to your cheek and rubbing it, "I have a really bad tooth ache", you moaned. "Would you like to go to sick bay?", he asked and you gladly agreed.

You walked down the hall with your hand firmly placed on the left side of your mouth, after signing in to sick bay and telling them you wasn't feeling well, you went and took a seat whilst you awaited for someone to come and get you. After waiting about 20 minutes your name was finally called forward. "Hi darling", an smiling Harry cheerfully said. He was all dressed up in his dentist uniform and yet he still came t the school to get me.

"Niall had an patient so he sent me to come and get you", he said whilst youse both climbed into your brother Niall's range rover. It was quiet along the way and you tried so hard not to place your hand against your cheek, because Harry being an dentist would know something's up straight away and would tell Niall Louis Liam and Zayn who was also dentists. Instead you laid your head against the car window.

"So... Are you not feeling that well?", Harry asked trying to break the silence between you two. Sucking in a sharp breath, you went to speak but instead an aching pain fired through your mouth making you yelp and quiver in pain. Harry immediately noticed something was up and pulled the car straight over.

"Okay seriously y/n what's up?", "nothing", you argued back only starting to make Harry worry more. "Please y/n", he begged of you and you finally gave up. "I have a tooth ache". Harry's face suddenly formed a worried expression knowing what your like with dentists. "Y/n remember it's totally your choice to get it fixed or not, but if you don't get it fixed its only going to get worst."

After a couple of tears falling and what felt like the longest car ride in your life time youse arrived at the dental surgery all the boys worked at and Niall owned. "So, have you made an decision?" Harry asked whilst un clipping his belt. Nodding your head "I can't put up with this pain". Harry helped you out of the car and into the office building.

Niall was now finished with his patient and all of them had a 1 hour break. You walked in to the staff room holding your left cheek. "What's wrong darling?" Louis asked sincerely. All of the boys stopped to listen. "I was chewing on a pen lid and I felt these cracks and bam I have an toothache".

Not long after you found your self lying down n a reclined dentist chair with Niall Harry Louis Zayn and Liam all around yo on their chairs. "Open wide for me darling, that's it good girl". Niall said sweetly as you opened wide enough for Harry to insert a spit sucker and Niall to put his explorer and mirror inside to have a look around.

"I'm afraid were going to have to pull out two of your back teeth", Niall said and off scattered Liam and Zayn. Louis grabbed your hand as you started to freak out. " it's okay y/n, I'm here". Soon the tears started coming and both Liam and Zayn returned, one with needles and the other with gas. Zayn placed the mask on you and turned it up. Liam handed over the needles to Niall and they both took their seats. Niall pulled back your gum and inserted the needles. Not long after clutching the chair what looks like a wrench was placed in your mouth just before you passed out.

Waking up you could see two of your molar teeth in a jar, that's when you started to freak out. Still loopy from the gas

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