Preference- them as dentist- requested

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Harry- "um....well....I..l have.....a cavity", "well now that's you have...any sort of female guardian.....with you today?"

Louis- "oh wow, you really know how to work that tooth brush, don't ya babe?", and gives you a sexy wink.

Niall- "you naughty girl, you come here not bothering to brush your left over meals away, let me see?", "nandos yes nandos, you didn't come for a check up, you came to torcher me", and with that breaks down in tears

Zayn- "it's only 10 in the morning and my hair has already deflated, you don't understand how much this means to me, and now your hogging the mirror!"

Liam- "I have to say these are the most beautiful chomper I have seen in along time", he says while ruffling your hair, "you know what why don't you pick a sparkly tooth brush.

Hey guys um this is the first time I have done something like this and thanks for the request, if you would like an imagine with one of the boys, just comment who, what situation, etc. and don't forget to share this and tell your friends and check my book Georgia Rose out too. And before I forget thanx elli for the request. See y'all soon.

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