Imagine for 1daregreat- your lesbian and he doesn't except it.

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Imagine for 1daregreat- your lesbian and he doesn't except it.

Siting in your bedroom you heard the door slam shut, making you jump at the sudden loud noise. Moments later loud foot steps stomped their way up the stairs and towards your room. The door swang open, making you scream at Louis figure which towered over your body. You ripped the earphones from your ears, "what?", you asked raising your eyebrows whilst popping another raspberry twist in your mouth. "What? You tell me!! What in gods name is this?", Louis asked pulling out his phone and opening up a news article.

Immediately your mouth dropped at the picture which was featured in the article with the head line of lesbi-honest. "Louis Tomlinson's little sister caught having a little to much fun at the highly known black ice night club. Kissing a girl? Yes she is (pictured above). Lesbi-honest though an insider has reported back that is not openly lesbian and in fact have been for quite sometime now. When was she going to tell everyone? But the most important question is does Louis know?", Louis finished reading out. "Well let me answer that last question I do now". "Who is she? Why? How long?", he asked pulling at his own hair.

You really didn't want this right now. "I don't want to talk about it Lou", you said letting a couple of tears fall. "You know what, I've had enough of this shit. Ever since mum and dad died you've been nothing but trouble", he said walking out the door and smashing his hand into the wall on his way down the stairs and salmon the door shut behind himself. That was the last you had seen of Louis.

2 weeks later- after a long day at work you made your way home, pulling up in the driveway there sat a car you hadn't seen for a while. Walking inside there stood Louis holding a hand full of clothes. "I came for these and now I'm going", he said looking at you disgraceful. As he went to walk past you and out the door you grabbed hold of his shoulder. "Look Louis, I'm sorry for who I am and what I like. Yes I'm lesbian and no I'm not sexually confused, I love the way I feel around her. I'm sorry", you apologised to Louis. "Don't be, I'm stupid for doing and saying what I did. Will you except my apology?", Louis asked sincerely placing his clothes down on the table. Immediately you embraced Louis in a hug "of cause I do, I've missed you so much". 

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