Bsm- your pregnant to an member of one direction- part 1-

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Zayn- you had just found out you was pregnant, with Liam's baby. The news was great the fact you was an soon to be mother, but there was an twist. You and Liam recently broke up, due to him cheating on you. Your big brother Zayn was already pissed enough with Liam over this, and just the thought of telling Zayn your pregnant to Liam, is not good, but it had to be done. "Zayn?, I have to tell you something". You said shyly, as you walked into the empty dressing room. "Sure what's up?", he asked whilst putting an shirt on (not awkward at all, he's your brother). "U-m", your voice started cracking, and the tears started swelling up. "I'm pregnant to Li-Liam", you finally said, letting all the tears run free, as you sobbed into Zayn's shoulder. "What, no, are you sure?", he said anger clear in his voice. "Yes I'm sure, I'm 3 months, it's Liam's", you sobbed yet again. The moment those words left your mouth you could feel Zayn tence up, and you knew he had finally snapped. "Liam you mother fucking cunt, where the fuck are you, I'm going to bash your head in!", Zayn yelled, pushing me off and stamping out of the dressing room. "Don't Zayn, no, please don't hurt him!", you yelled as you ran after your brother. He went straight up to Liam, burying his fist into his face. "Zayn stop it!", "get him off me", Liam yelled as he tries to defend him self, failing miserably. The rest of the boys heard what was going on, and pried Zayn off of Liam. "What the fuck was that for?!", Liam yelled in anger as he spat blood out onto the floor. "That's for getting my sister pregnant and then cheating on her!" Zayn spat out at Liam. You couldn't stop the tears from spilling out of your eyes. You grabbed your stomach, looking up too see Liam starring at you in shock.

Liam- you and Harry, had been in an on and off relationship, that your big brother had no clue was going on (because you didn't want to get in trouble off daddy direction). Until the night Liam caught Harry sneaking out of your room, teary eyed, whilst carrying an rubbish bag, from your bin. Startling Harry, Liam questioned him. "Why was you in (y/n's) room?, why are you crying?, what's in the bag?". Only for Harry to push Liam out of the way as he walked out to the bin, and never came back in. That night whilst all the boys was asleep, you sneaked out to the 24 hour pharmacy, and brought multiple packets of pregnancy tests. ~next day~ "(y/n) what's going on? Please let me in!", he said whilst banging on the door. You reluctantly opened the door, letting your brother in. Youse both went and sat down on the end of your bed. "Li-Liam, I've do-done something stu-stupid", you sobbed out, whilst leaning into his chest. "I'm so sorry Li, I should never have done this, I should've told you from the begging", you cried out. Liam was totally confused and had no idea what was going on. "What are you talking about baby girl?", he asked. "For the past year, me and Harry have been dating on and off behind your back. And that's not even the worst part Li. I'm pregnant". You held up the pregnancy tests and showed your brother the result. "What's everyone going to think?, I'm only 17 and Harry just about 21?", you said quietly sobbing. "Hhaarryy!", Liam yelled, scaring all the others in the house. Harry came running into your bed room.

Louis- Louis was not just an twin but also the older twin, which meant he was your big brother by an couple of minutes. You and Louis always have had an connection, and always will no matter what. When ever you was in pain, sad, lonely, happy or even excited, he could feel it, and same goes for you with Louis. So that's the reason Louis decided to take you every where he went, from England- America- Australia, the list goes on. "(Y/n) what's wrong?", Louis asked as he pulled back the curtain on your bunk in the bus. You was laying with your face towards the wall, shutting any sort of human contact out, but you knew it wasn't possible with the connections you and Louis have. "Nothing Louis, just go away", you said sadly. "(Y/n) I can feel you, I know your not alright, please answer, your making me hurt too". You couldn't let your brother hurt as well. After all it was your mistake. Finally giving up you turned around and faced Louis. "Lou, I've made an horrible mistake!" You started out before biting your lip and regretting that you just started the conversation, that could possibly split the band. "Lou, I'm pregnant, and it's Zayn's baby!", you gushed out, soon cursing under your breath. "Are you sure it's Zayn's?", "Louis I'm definitely sure, it was him I slept with 6 weeks ago". "He doesn't even love me Lou, it was just an one night stand, and he doesn't know yet". You opened your eyes to find Louis wasn't there anymore. And you went In search of him.

Harry- you and Niall had been boyfriend and girlfriend, from the moment Harry took you to the X factor live shows. Being backstage all the time you got to know the group better, and then Harry would always bring them home with him. The day you turned 17 your mum had agreed to let you move out, and move in with your older brother Harry and the rest of the band, including Niall. 3 full years together, with no fights or arguments what so ever. Every body new you was his princess and he was your prince, but only you and Niall knew that you recently found out you was carrying an little prince inside you belly. After 3 and an half months of not telling anyone your little secret, you baby bump was starting to show, and you knew it wasn't going to be an good idea at the pool today like all of youse have planned. "It'll be fine princess, and if anybody notices we will tell them the truth", Niall said as he leant down on top of you placing his lips to yours whilst rubbing your baby bump. ~at the roof top pool~ you and Niall was mucking around in the pool, splashing each other. After about half an hour of mucking around you had had enough and got out of the water going straight towards the sun beds. No one had noticed till now, when Louis had come up to you and started rubbing your belly. "Louis what are you doing?" You asked getting an bit scared. "They say if you rub an Buddhas belly you get good luck", he laughed back and then the rest of the guys came over, to check out what was going on. "Um (y/n) what's Lou doing to your belly?", your big brother Harry asked, totally confused. "Um Harry, guys, there's something we need to tell youse, me and Niall. I'm pregnant!". You said as one face stood out the most, Harry's expression shocking you.

Niall- Niall was your twin brother, who always made you come with him everywhere he went. This meant that you would travel all over the world with Niall and the boys. And getting to go to every tv show, concert, sporting game, well basically everything Niall went to. And then there was the first time you meet Louis. Both of you fell in love, just like that saying thing, love at first sight. Youse have been together for 4 years now, but now because of one silly little mistake your relationship could end. You was pregnant with Louis baby, and wasn't sure what to do and who to tell. ~Louis taking you out for dinner~ "wow (y/n) could you order any more?", Louis jokingly asked whilst he played with his food. "We'll Lou I am eating for two now!", you said not even realising the words that just escaped your mouth, whilst yo shoved the food int your mouth. An now coughing Louis chocked out the words, "your pregnant?". "Shoot, Lou I was going to tell you", "is it my baby?". You was surprised by the question Louis just asked, and the sad thing is he was serious this time. "Of cause Louis, it's your baby! Don't you remember that night", you said awkwardly. "Oh my god, I'm going to be an daddy, we are going to be a some parents", Louis screamed with an high pitch voice into your face, whilst grabbing your face. "Your fine with this?", you asked worryingly. "Baby, this is fantastic news, you would not believe how long I've wanted you to have an baby to me". You looked down shyly, now knowing Louis was completely fine with it, and actually wanted this to happen. "But the real question is, how are we going to tell Niall?". Louis asked

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