Dentist preference- your child's first time-

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Louis- it was your daughters first time going to the dentist and she had no clue what was going on, having the old man poke random sharp tools into her mouth was scaring her. You and Louis felt helpless as the most youse could do was hold her hand and let Louis pull funny faces, but that was soon over when Louis passed out due to the noise of the drill.

Liam- the whole day before the appointment Liam made your son sit down and watch all sorts of dentist videos, to teach him of what goes on and how the dentist isn't scary. Surprisingly the whole video thing worked because during the appointment all he did was lay back and let the dentist do her work. Lam was so proud.

Niall- Niall him self is scared of the dentist and due to this he would always tease your son of what the dentist will do to him, always adding on and making the story sound even scarier than it is. So when it came to his appointment not only was your son but also Niall given laughing gas to help ease the nerves and calm the room down.

Zayn- being just a smaller version of her daddy, your daughter was always chilled back and relaxed no matter what kind of situation she was put into. At the dentist your daughter calmly laid back on the chair and let the dentist do his work, accasionly trying to communicate with her but couldn't because she thought it was a good time to take an nap.

Harry- your little mini Harry was a spitting image of him. Having flirting to old women everyday too having the same smile with those pressures dimples, but there was the first time for everything I guess. When little Harry went to the dentist tears pulled his little cheeks, portraying an image that made you weak and sad at the thought of not being able to help him when it came to the dreaded drill at the dentist.

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