Imagine for gosia_kat

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Imagine for gosia_kat

Maggies pov- a loud smashing sound followed by a loud shriek ripped through the living room. Dropping everything I ran, hoping nothing was terrible wrong. When entering the living room the twins Stefan and Tate where playing with the broken glass laying all over the floor. "No, no, no, no, no", I panicked whilst examine the two 5 year olds. "Mummy", Tate cried whilst holding out his hand, which was covered in blood along with a deep gash. Immediately I grabbed his hand applying as much pressure as I could and ordered Stefan to get me a tea towel.

"Daddy not going to be happy?", Tate asked with worried eyes as I carried both him and Stefan into the local emergency room, which luckily wasn't busy today. I made my way up to the service desk where Louise was sitting. "Maggie? How can I help you?", she asked eying me up and down with a worried expression. "Tate here has cut his hand open. Any chance Liam's available?", I asked hoping he is. Louise typed into her keyboard before pressing a buzzer on the wall with the name Payne under it. "He should be here soon". After thanking her numerous times for helping I took a seat in the waiting rooms.

"Maggie?", I heard Liam's voice call from behind me. "What's wrong?", he asked worriedly doing exactly the same as Louise did. "These two where playing and smashed a glass vase in the living room. Tate's cut his hand and it looks a little deep", I told Liam. "Let's take him back then", Liam said whilst picking Tate off of me and carrying him self. "Come on baby boy. Your always managing to hurt yourself aren't you".

Liam laid Tate of his bed and set up a sterilised pad under neath so blood wouldn't go everywhere. Turning on his light a over the bad he moved it closer to gates hand where he put gloves on and started to look at the wound. At Liam's touch Tate started crying in pain, "shhh baby it's okay daddy make it better", he said whilst I played with his hair. Stefan was in the corner playing with all the toys, completely unaware of what was going on.

Liam filled up a syringe and slowly injected it into Tate's hand, which he again cried to but was soon soothed when all feelings where lost in his hand and arm. "There's still a little bit of glass in the wound so I'll get that out and wash it out, then stitch it up", Liam told me in advanced and I was for once glad Tate wasn't listening. With a pair of flat tweezers Liam removed the remains glass and washed the wound out with salt water. Before betting the hook like needle and weaving it through Tate's hand until the wound was closed. With a little special glue he sealed up the wound and dressed it so nothing could get in it and inject it. "All done", he smiled at his big brave boy who was now sat up on the bed. "Daddy's so proud of you", he said before kissing the tired child who was yawning away. "Daddy not angry?", Stefan asked behind clearly missing out. "Of cause not, come here", he said also giving the child some love.

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