Chelseacooksonxx- boyfreind Harry has a affair

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Chelseacooksonxx- boyfreind Harry has a affair

It all started with a message. With your phone flashing furiously you turned it on revealing one new message from Harry. Getting excited you opened it up, you hadn't got a message or phone call because of reception troubles. - babe we need to talk- the message read, immediately butterfly's over took your stomach and a sick feeling over took your body. -What happened? What's wrong? What did I do?-, you wrote those messages back in reply to his. You waited for hours and hours, but still no response even after ringing like a hundred times. You felt bad, knowing Harry wasn't going to answer any of your messages or calls you decided to just go to bed.

Waking up the next day you didn't expect to see Harry standing in the kitchen holding a suitcase and looking half dead. Puffy eyed, messy hair and dirt marks, he stood i front of you. "I'm so sorry!", he said tears spilling out of his eyes as he came in for a hug. You didn't know what to do as he sobbed into your shoulder. "What's wrong?", you asked. "I didn't mean it, it was just one stupid little mistake. I just wanted to experiment". It finally hit you, realisation of what Harry was talking about.

"You didn't?", you asked pulling away from his hug. The look in his eyes said it all, his green eyes shinning through his freshly produced tears, "I'm so sorry", Harry said once more. Tears swelled up in your eyes along with anger, "with who", you yelled at him. Fidgeting with his fingers and looking down at the ground Harry mumbled a name you wished to forget, "Rebecca". Rebecca was not only a work friend, but your best friend. Youse had grown up together in the same house hold and could never be separated. "Why would you do that Harry? Especially with her", you asked changing back to crying.

"Because you never want to try anything new Chelsea! It's always the same boring sex over and over again. I'm never...we are never aloud to experiment, what about a little bdsm? Anal? Or even oral?", Harry yelled getting frustrated and angry at the current subject. You had no come back, what Harry was saying was the truth, you never felt the need to experiment when you was enjoying the pleasure you was getting as enough. But Harry looked like he was waiting for an answer. "I'm scared Harry! I'm fucking scared!", you yelled scaring harry a little too. "But because I wasn't ready does not mean you go around fucking every other chick that says I will do anal with you or bdsm is my life". Having enough you stormed up the stairs into your shared bedroom, making sure to slam the door behind yourself.

After an hour cooling period the door handle jiggled, to reveal a tear stained cheeked Harry, He made his was around the bed and to his side. Hearing the draws open and close you quickly turned around, "what are you doing?", you asked croaky voiced and all. "I understand if you don't want us to be a thing anymore and for me to be here, so m packing my clothes", he said whilst picking up clothing and shoving it into his bags. "No!! Don't do that. I mean sorry that I'm always so selfish, I don't want you to leave Harry because I love you to much. I forgive you for everything you have done." Harry's face lit up "Thank you, I'm so sorry for everything", he said jumping into your open arms. Laying in each others arms you played with his hair, "just promise me you won't do that again? Otherwise I'll make sure to cut your dick off", with both of youse laughing so hard somehow Harry managed to squeeze out a promise.  

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