~request for Peyton~Louis and Niall are your brothers and also your dentist~

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It was just another normal day in your family house hold. Your family consisted of your mum, dad, 2 older brothers Louis and Niall, and then you Peyton. Your family was always away or busy and you being the you gets was always the forgotten one. Your mother is an layer, whilst your father is an brain surgeon. Then there was your brothers, both Louis and Niall followed in the same direction and became dentist, your worst fear.

Your clock read 8:03 which meant that both your parents would have left by now, and your brothers would be leaving shortly, to head to the dental clinic they both owned. You laid in bed just thinking of the many things you could do today, until your thoughts where interrupted by an yelling Louis and Niall.

"Time to get up Peyton!!", Louis said. "You do know what today is right?", Niall said cheerfully whilst they both bounced up and down on top of your bed. Everything you was thinking about before completely fled your mind and your new thoughts set in, it couldn't be possible, it hasn't been six months all ready? You questioned your self mentally. Yep it was the day of your annual six month checkup, and that's something you never look forward to, due to how scared of the dentist you are.

"Get dressed now we have to get going!", Louis said as they both left your room. Getting up out of the bed you got out your favorite fuck u! Singlet with your favorite pair of beach blue shorts and your jells. You brushed your hair out ever so slowly and then chucked it up in an small bun.

Just as you finished applying your makeup Niall bursts through your door and threw you over his shoulder. "Put me down Niall!", you screamed as you bashed is back in. After attempting to escape his grip yo failed and now sitting n the back of Niall's range rover.

"Calm down Peyton", Louis said calmly from the drivers seat as he glanced up it to the mirror. You was sitting in the back calmly crying to your self as fear took over. "Hey, haha, that top says it all doesn't it Lou?", Niall laughed from the passenger seat of the car. "Shut the fuck up Niall!" You screeched, making the rest of the car ride quite.

The car came to an stop and Niall and Louis got out of the car. Niall came around to your door, but you locked it. "Peyton, open the door now", Niall damned easily be moving pissed off at the way you was carrying on. After an couple of minutes Louis was face palming him self in embarrassment, as now everyone was watching and you now felt bad.

Niall threw you over his shoulder again, as he carried you up to the building, which had already opened and had patients in the waiting room already. "Please Peyton don't scream in front of the children", Niall whispered in your ear which you agreed to. You snuggled you head into the crook of his neck and silently cried.

Louis opened up the room and Niall brought you in and placed you in it. "Peyton you know the drill", Louis said as he got the board out of the cupboard. The tears came back and then the panic attack. Niall held you down and whispered soothing words into your ear as Louis tied you down to the reclining chair.

When Louis finished Niall got off of you and your head moved to watch every move both of your big brothers made. "Niall, can you get the tools ready? And I'll get the X-ray films ready", Louis said as they both where putting on their gloves.

Yet again came the tears, and yet again came the panicking, and the only person who could calm you down was Niall. "Clam down Peyton, everything's going to be fine, all we have to do is take an X-ray of your teeth and check and clean them. Me and Louis has it done all the time." Niall explained as he set up the tray of tools next t the chair for him and Louis.

Louis came in the room and rolled over two stools, one for Niall and the other for him self. Sitting down they both picked up some tools, and with an device Louis put in inside and it held your mouth open. The metal scraped against your teeth, sending an spine chilling sensation throughout your whole body, and you couldn't do anything about it.

"A3, a4... Seems to be an little discolored, the X-ray will display the problem to that", Louis said talking all technical to Niall about your teeth. This scared you because the word discolored in dentist talk mainly meant an cavity. And all you could do was lay there and let them do their work.

Niall picked up the X-ray films and placed them inside your mouth, and out of the room both of them went. After about 5 minutes of laying there with your mouth forcefully opened and quite as hell, they both came back. Niall was holding an needle in one hand and an X-ray tablet in the other. "Peyton, it looks like you have an small filling in your upper case molar", Louis said as they both sat down and the needle was brought closer to your mouth.

You yelped in pain as the needle Niall was holding went straight into your gum, and slowly numbed away the top half of your mouth. Cringing at the sound of the drill as Louis started it up and Niall placed the spit sucker inside.

Louis finally placed down the drill, and Niall had finally removed the device that kept your mouth opened. And then Louis untied you. And he in braced you into the biggest hug ever. "I'm so sorry we had to put you through that Peyton, I love you so much", he whispered into your ear as you yet again cried. "I'm so glad that's over and we don't have to do it again for another six months", Niall huffed out, interrupting both you and Louis hug. That sent an smile to your face but it didn't look right half your mouth was numb. Everyone laughed and then you finally said the words you've been wanting to do all morning, "lets get out of here."

Wow i actually got it done heaps before I said it be ready, any ways I hope you like it. If you have any other request feel free to ask.

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