Imagine for vayn_kilam- break ups part 2 the engagement

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Imagine for vayn_kilam- break ups part 2 the engagement

It had been 4 years since Harry had broken up with you which in his eyes was the worst mistake. Building a bridge and getting the fuck over it you did something Harry had found hard to do, move on. That you did 3 and 1/2 years straight with non other then Louis Tomlinson. This relationship was a happy more together relationship, even though you still missed Harry but you loved Louis to bits.

"Y/n where going out tonight", Louis said as he walked through the front doors. "What's the occasion?", you asked confused as to why youse where going out for dinner. " "Something special", he replied smiling as he pulled a bag out from behind his back. "Put these on", he said giving you four different bags, one from Victoria's Secret, one from the jewellers, and two kardashian collection bags. "Lou, you didn't have to you", said peaking in the bags at the beautiful dress, heels, lingerie, perfume and jewellery. "I did for my queen now go put them on", he demanded sending you up stairs.

Everything was stunning once you had out them on. Looking in the mirror you couldn't believe it was your reflection. Your mouth dropped when the receipt for all of the bags fell out on the floor. "$3499.72", you read to your self but knew he'd be upset if you said anything to him about it all. Walking down the stairs Louis was gob smacked at your sight. Louis then drove you to your favourite local Italian restaurant. After ordering your food, something happened that you would never believe would happen. Raising from his seat, he got down on one knee and pulled a little box out of his back pocket. Everything went silent and all eyes where on both me and Louis. "Y/n? Would you do me the honer of becoming my wife?". "Yes", you gasped whilst cleaning up the tears of joy. Congratulations came from everywhere and you couldn't believe it.

Snapping a picture of your ringed finger you uploaded it to twitter and Instagram with #mrstomlinson. Within seconds the has tag started trending and messages poured into your phone, but one stood out from all of them. ~Would you have said yes if it was me?~ the message was from Harry, clearly he was still jealous. Avoiding the message wasn't good enough, more messages came and not only that, but you see him all the time. Harry never seemed to move on and always seemed to have a jealous spot for you. 

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