Imagine for hd1997- dental surgery

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✔Imagine for hd1997- dental surgery

Your pov- Standing at the fridge chugging the milk, there was a bright green sticky note with today's date and time written on it below it with big words read NIALL DENTIST 11.00am. You threw your head back,dreading having to put with Niall's shit. The phone rang scaring the shit out of you, "hello?", you asked not knowing who was on the other end. "Hey y/n? It's me Louis. I'm just calling you to remind you about Niall's appointment at 11", Louis said. "Don't remind me", you sarcastically replied. Louis was laughing his head off and managed to say "can't wait to see his face when I pull out the tools this time", before saying your good byes and hanging up.

It was time to get Niall out of bed, "Ni!! Help!!", you yelled acting like you where in danger or something. Next thing you see a blonde haired figure rush around the corner and straight to you. "It works every time", you laughed. "It's not funny y/n", he said falling on the lounge. "Don't make yourself to comfortable, you have an appointment with Dr Tomlinson at 11". His face dropped and the not needed sound effects kicked in. You see he isn't scared of the dentist, only the tools. Every time he walks into the room those tools send him into panic mode as all the different images of torture with those tools flash through his mind. "Fine", he said before dragging himself back done the hall to the bathroom.

Skip the car ride

Niall's pov- It Wasn't long before both y/n and I where sitting in the familiar dental surgery which non other then Louis owned. "Glad you could make it on time", Louis said walking up behind me and scaring the shit out of me. "Don't do that", I said quietly but angry at the same time. "Sorry Irish", Louis said raising his hands up as defence, at least he's still got that sassy ness I thought to my self. "Follow me", Louis said walking down the hall. I was already being put off by the sound of Louis light blue scrubs squishing as he walked. "Take a seat for me bub", he called me motioning towards the light blue uncomfortable chair in the middle of the room. "Y/n", I heard him great her. "Still looking gorgeous", she said back. "Can say the same about yourself", Louis said smiling before walking over and taking a seat on his folly chair at the computer.

My profile popped up on the screen along with the X-rays I had done a month ago. "So what we are doing today is removing the root canal and pulp of your left insiser, to prevent further infection. Or most commonly know as a root canal. Now I'm going to be honest with you this procedure is quite uncomfortable and a long process. Any questions?", Louis asked. I shook my head no not knowing what to say. "Cool then, lets pop this around your neck then", he said picking up a white sheet and clipping it around my neck to prevent my clothes getting dirty. Next minute Louis brings over a tray full of drill burs, wire brushes, mirrors and hook like tools, which started to freak me out.

"Your not using them on me? Are you?", I asked freaking out already. "Why yes I am, now open up and I'll get you numbed up", Louis smiled. Finding out those tools where going to be used on my teeth I freaked. Shaking my head no I refused to open my mouth. Y/n grabbed my hand rubbing circles on my palm, "please babe? For me?". Slightly opening my mouth wide enough for Louis to insert the needle, which stung a lot. Out of surprise Louis popped a metal mouth prop in. "Uuuuunnnnoooo", I struggled to say due to having my mouth opened for me. "Sorry Ni but it has to be done", y/n said still rubbing circles into my hand.

The green rubber dam was next inserted to single off the one tooth. The drill sounded up and Louis brought his mask over his face. Vibrations shivered through my body making me squire both my hands and eyes tight. "You right?", Louis asked stopping and checking before going on. "Ugghhuuh", I nodded then Louis continued. The drilling was soon over when I saw Louis's gloved fingers reach up to the tray and pick out a wire brush. The brush then went inside my mouth and Louis started cleaning out the nerves and pulp of the tooth. "It looks pretty good", Louis said putting the brushes back on the tray and getting up from his seat. "I'm going to take 5 and be back soon", Louis said taking his gloves and coat off and walking out leaving just me and y/n. All of a sudden every breath I took extreme sharp pains would rip through the tooth that Louis was working on. The pain was excruciating and the tears finally came and their was nothing y/n could do for me.

Louis pov- I look a five minute breather and when I came back I saw Niall laying there crying his eyes out. "What's wrong Niall?", I asked concerned. "He saying it hurts", y/n said rubbing him down attempting to calm him down. I draped the coat over my shoulders and snapped on a new pair of gloves. "The numbing must have worn off, but that's fine I'm just going to fill the tooth and cap it then he's fine to go", I said getting to work and filling Niall's tooth and capping it. "And your free to go", I said putting the chair back up and taking the bib off from around his neck. "From time to time you may experience pain but that's normal and will go away in a couple of days", I told Niall's and then he was off.

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