One direction bsm- birthday present

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Harry- age 17- Harry was you older brother by 4 years and ever since you was 15 you wanted tattoos, only because of Harry. Your mother would never let you get an tattoo for numerous reasons. 1- you was to young to legally get/have an tattoo. 2- according to your mother you was too pretty for tattoos, and they would never suit you. And 3- you was actually scared it was going to hurt. Somehow Harry found out that you wanted an tattoo, and the day before your birthday he came by your home to pick you up. Youse pulled up in front of an tattoo parlour. That's when your nerves kicked in and then Harry spoke up, "so I heard you wanted an tattoo, and I know your to young, but hey they know me it'll be fine. So I'm guessing you have guessed what your birthday present is?". You both got out of the car heading towards the door and then inside. "Harry", one of the men covered in tattoos and piercings yelled out. "How you been lad", he said as he put Harry into an man hug. "Not bad, ya self?" "Fine, fine, what can I do for you?" The man asked again. "Meet my sister, it's her birthday tomorrow and she's always wanted an tattoo, and well I'm here to get her one". You stood there awkwardly rubbing your elbow, and then followed the man back to the room and got set up on the chair. To be honest you hadn't idea what to get, and when the man asked you didn't know what to say. You finally decided on getting Harry and your mums name with some birds tattooed on to your arms. Walking out of the back of the shop you showing off your tattoos to Harry and thanking him.

Niall- age 16- crooked teeth seem to have ran in the family when it came to you and Niall. Everyday you wished so hard that you could have perfectly straight teeth, but due to the lack of money your wish never came true. It was your birthday in less then 2 weeks and your brother Niall was coming back to Ireland today to spend it with you. You was in the bathroom, brushing your teeth when Niall walked in, "Niall" you yelled as you gave him the Horan hug. Niall's teeth where perfect, with all the money he has he is getting them fixed, something I want. "I know it's a bit early, but we have to get going right now, I have an surprise for you, and I just know your going to love it. (Skip car ride) you looked up at the sign as you pulled into the familiar car park. U smile orthodontics clinic, the clinic where Niall goes to get his teeth fixed. "Surprise, your birthday gift from me to you is getting your teeth fixed", Niall yelled out. You started getting excited. Niall and you got out of the car and made your way to the receptionist. "Appointment for my sister Miss Horan", Niall said and with that you was taken back to the room, Niall coming with you. You got your braces on and they hurt like hell, so Niall took you and him self (as he got his tightened too) to get some ice cream. You couldn't thank Niall enough as it was the best birthday present by far.

Liam- age 13- you hadn't seen Liam for ages and even thought he might have forgotten about tomorrow being your birthday, because you hadn't received any mail yet. You was in the kitchen making your lunch when your brother Liam walked through the door. "Li Li, I've missed you so much", I yelled as you engulfed your big brother into an hug. "How you been (y/n)?", Liam said as he gave you an kiss on the cheeks. "So it's ya big 14th tomorrow and I think I hit the nail on the head this time, with your gift!". Liam motioned you out towards the his car. "Okay close your eyes, and don't peak a bit", you did as he said and when he finally said "okay you can look now!" You opened your eyes to see the cutest puppy ever. It was a puppy Siberian husky, the dog you only ever dreamed about in your wildest dreams. "Oh my god, Liam, she's amazing, I love her, thank you", you screamed out in excitement as you rubbed the side of her face. "Glad to know I got it right, so what are you going to call her?", "um Aria, yep Aria's her name". "We'll Aria, is going to be your protecter from now on. When ever you feel lonely she will be there for you, when your ever in trouble she will be there for you and when ever your upset she will be there do you." And with that you gave your big brother Liam the longest hug, whispering in his ear, "by far the best birthday present".

Zayn- age 17- "but mum!! Please can I, it will be the last I promise," "no and that's final". Your mum yelled as yo stormed out of the kitchen, running straight into Zayn. "What was all that about?" Your big brother (by 3 years) Zayn asked. "It's mm she won't let me get my tongue pierced as an birthday present" you said angrily as you stormed off. ~the day of your birthday~ you woke up t find some presents and an note at the end of your bed. Picking up the note you read it first. Happy birthday my darling girl, I've gone to work and should be back around 7 in time to pick you up for your birthday dinner. I hope you enjoy your presents and most importantly your day. Xoxox love mumsy. P.s- be ready by 11am Zayn's coming to pick you up. You put the note down to open the presents, receiving an new laptop, clothes, makeup, jewellery and some new music and DVDs. Your eyes landed on the clock which read 10:42am. Getting up in an hurry you got dressed in your new hipster clothes, and waited for Zayn. An car horn beeped as you made your way out to the car and got in with Zayn, "happy birthday" he said giving you an kiss on the cheek and passing over an envelope and an card. Like always you read the card first. Happy bday baby gilz, hope you hve an awsme day 2 day. Butz youse aint ya gonna be putten up with pain, cause I'm taken yas to get ya tounge done.xoxoxo. "Omg thank you Zayn you said as youse pulled up at the piercing parlour. Whilst getting your tongue pierced you held zayns hand as hard as ever and he even picked the colours for you. Yo loved your brother for letting you do this.

Louis- age 18- "you stupid piece of shit", you yelled as you through up your phone across the car and it hit the back of the passenger seat. "Whoa, calm down there (y/n)" your big brother yelled as he was distracted from his driving, letting the car swerve into the wrong lane. Getting back into the right lane Louis spoke up, "why did you through your phone?", this time you calmly replied with, "the screen isn't working, it won't seance me touching". "Ahh so I hear, and now the screens smashed" Louis replied looking up from the floor, all you could do was give him an sad look. The car took an quick u-turn, "where are we going?" You asked quite shaken up due to the quick movement of the car. "I know your birthday isn't for another month but hey a girl needs an phone, so we are going to go and buy you an early birthday present", Louis said speaking up. "Are you sure?" I asked not wanting to use my brother for his money, and only to get an yes as an reply. Pulling up out the front of an phone shop, youse both got out. Walking into the shop you headed straight to the unlocked prepaid phone selection, Louis hot on your tail. You picked up the first phone you see (which of coarse was the cheapest), it was an brick phone, "this one will do?" You said it came out more as an question. "No no no, you need something like these" Louis said as he pointed towards the iPhone s and Samsung galaxy s5. Finally after at least an hour of fighting with Louis you decided upon the Samsung galaxy s5. You couldn't thank Louis enough, feeling bad after him buying you an $900 phone, but after all Louis was your big brother and he loved you.

(Okay guys tell me what youse think and yes I do request, just ask. Don't forget to vote and comment and tell your friends to read)

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