Soccer imagine for 1d_story lover

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Today was the big game you've been waiting for all season, as much as you wanted to play and win yo didn't want to do an 2 hour training session a day before the big game. And here you are getting dropped off on the bus.

Not coming into contact with anyone else yo walked straight into the change rooms and locked your door. You could hear faint whispers, but you being pissed off at the fact of having to come to practise made you not give an shit what people say.

"Come on girls, we haven't got forever!", one of the coaches voiced yelled thought the change rooms. You didn't bother listening but all the other girls did as they rushed out the door. You continued to get dressed as slowly as possible.

After 15 minutes you finally sufficed from the change rooms and made your way out on to the field. "Y/n where have you been?", coach Louis asked only to earn an simple shrug of your shoulder.

"We have an big game tomorrow you don't want to let us down because your one of the best players here. And if your going to be that was I want 50 burpees before you can start training." Coach Louis yelled at you as coach Niall stood back watching.

Coach Louis the started training the others, leaving you behind with coach Niall. Coach Niall was the nice sweet beautiful one, and some times he made you week. You shivered as he walked over towards you. "Look y/n I'm sorry about Louis he can be an dick sometimes but just think as this punishment as an encouragement." He said whilst indulging you in an hug.

Letting go youse both smiled shyly at each other, "come on let's get started before Louis starts yelling again", Niall laughed to you. You started your first burpee whilst Niall watched you and Louis everyone and then glanced back.

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