Request for- -LetMeLoveYou- Dentist

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Harrys pov- I tossed and turned all morning, trying my hardest to get back to sleep, but failed miserably. I couldn't put up with the pain any more, so of course my day off was already starting out shit. Rubbing the side of my face, i walked into the bathroom opening the cupboard door ravaging through the different medications until i found a normal pain killer.

Closing the door on the cupboard i stared at my reflection in the mirror, i was a mess, hair all over the place, bags under my eyes and looking sick. I walked into the kitchen where i took the medication and pulled out the number to my usual dentist. "hi you have reached London's East dental clinic, unfortunately our clinic is closed every friday. Please leave a message and we will get back to you on monday".

I cant wait till monday, thats way to far away and this tooth is aching like a bitch. I pulled up a directory on my phone to find a new new dentist which was close, straight away I got a result, for just 2 blocks down the road, never knew it was there. Pressing the number it dialed through straight away. "We care dentist, Dr y/n speaking how may I help you?". "Uh hi, I'm ringing up to get an emergency appointment. I woke up this morning too my tooth aching". "I have a free appointment at 9:15 this morning if that's okay, oh and it's with me". "Yeah ill see you then thank a lot".

Looking over at the clock on the wall it read 8:32am that meant I only really had 30 minutes to get ready. I didn't have any breakfast or brush my teeth, as my tooth was still aching, so I just went ahead and had a quick shower and threw on a pair of jeans and casual shirt with my famous boots. Picking up my house and car keys, I walked out the front door hoped in my car and headed off down the road.

Your pov- Your only free appointment for today had now been felled, getting up from the front desk you headed just around the corner to set up the equipment and wipe down all the trays and chairs. As soon as you finished wiping the big chair down the door bell rang. You put down the cleaning products and headed out to the front of the office.

"Hi I'm Dr y/n, and you must be my emergency?", you said extending your hand out to a puppy faced curly haired hot man. "Hi I'm Harry, Harry styles and yeah I have a really bad tooth ache", he said to you looking like he was in a lot of pain. "Okay cool, well just come around here and out the back and I'll get you set up", you said with a spring in your step.

"Oh, just watch out for the chair, might be a little wet I just cleaned it down", you smiled out to the gorgeous man that stood i front of you. For the first time you seen a twitch on his lips, what a cute smile you thought to your self. He eventually climbed into the chair which sat vertical, and you popped a bib on around his neck.

Sitting down and snapping a pair of blue gloves on, both you and Harry made the most awkwardest eye contact ever, which resulted in both of youse not knowing what to say. "I'm just going to recline the chair", you said pushing the pedal and picking up the mirror and explorer. "Open wide", he opened as wide as he could and you started going through each individual tooth. You touched the furthest one to the back on the bottom left hand side with the whole of Harry's face cringing at the amount of pain you had just caused him.

"I think you found it", Harry chuckled out in pain trying his hardest to 'get to know you'. "Do you think so?", you joked back earning a little playful smack on the arm from the curly haired boy which laid helplessly in the big chair. "So lets get a X-ray on that tooth, and then I can see what I can do". You told him, bouncing off your chair and getting the machine ready.

After having the X-rays, you studied them on you computer just behind Harry. He had spun his head around to look at the X-ray too. "So if you look at this tooth right here, you can see the lighter shading which means there is a cavity. This cavity in the tooth seems to be pretty deep, and the reason your feeling it now is because it has got to your roots and started an infection. I'm saying the best option would be to pull the tooth so your infection free, Or you can have a root canal. I'm not going to guarantee you it will work because 90% of the time some one will always get an infection after the procedure. So it's your decision",you said to Harry, pointing out all the problems of the tooth on the screen.

You could tell Harry didn't like pain at all, and in the matter of seconds he had his mind made up. "Can I just get it removed then". You agreed and straight away you went and collected a new tray of equipment. "What's all that for?", Harry asked looking at the tray of different clamps, pliers, syringes and needles. "To pull your tooth silly. now would you prefer novocain or laughing gas?", you asked the now scared man in the seat. "Just novocain thank you".

You inserted the 2 syringes full of novocain into his flush pink gums, and waited for the medicine to take control. You inserted a mouth prop into his mouth to make it easier for both you and Harry. Bringing the pliers into his mouth your eyes connected for a second, they where strict with fear, and you knew you had to help him. "Harry it's not going to hurt, just a lot of pressure", you reassured him and continued on with the job. With 7 sharp pulls back and forth the tooth was free, you shoved cotton balls in his mouth to stop the bleeding and bagged up the tooth for him to keep.

You instructed him to open his mouth just one more time and you removed the cotton balls, stitching up the hole where the tooth once sat with dissolvable stitches. Once finished you put the chair back into a verticals position. "Just sit fora little while, I just have to right out a script for some antibiotics and pain killers." Once written out, you handed them to him with the tooth and you both made your way to the front desk. "Ok so that will be $389.00 for you today and I'd also like to make an appointment for next week to check how it's all going". Harry gave you a sweet smile, as he could talk properly and didn't want to attempt and handed over the money and made an appointment for next week.

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