Imagine for jlillian- Harry teaches you to swim

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Imagine for jlillian- Harry teaches you to swim

Your pov- "y/n are you getting in?", Niall called out cheerfully across the water. You sat on the the side of pool dipping your legs in the cool water. "I'm fine", you waved off trying your hardest to avoid the water. "We all know its not that time of the month", Louis chuckled as him Niall, Liam and Harry played around in the water. Little did the boys know you couldn't swim, as much as you wanted to dive in. "I just don't wanna", you shrugged your shoulders. Liam climbed out of the pool walking away as Louis swam over towards you. Grabbing your hands a force pushed you in from behind. You started panicking the moment you hit the water knowing you can't swim. You tried your hardest trying to surface back to the top of the water but failed completely.

Harry's pov- something wasn't right, there where to many bubbles and you could feel and see the vicious movement of her arms and legs in the water. Immediately I dived under, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her back up to the surface. I pulled her in close to my body and had a tight grip around her. "I'm not going to let you go", I comforted her as soon as we surfaced. She was gasping for air, whilst coughing up the pool water. "Get me out of here", she sobbed into my chest. The other boys where in shock of the reaction they received from y/n after being pushed into the water. "We're sorry", both Liam and Louis apologised to y/n. "We didn't know you couldn't swim", I said to her whilst she still sobbed into my chest. Niall soon ran out with a dry towel, "you feeling okay", Niall asked bending down to us. And she simply shook her her head, accepting the towel and walking back inside.

Your pov- you sat down on the lounge still upset over what just happened. The sliding door opened and in walked Harry who took a seat next to you. "How you going?", he asked rubbing your thigh whilst looking you in the eyes. "Okay I guess", you said breaking the connection. It went quite but that soon changed when but that soon changed when Harry spoke up, "what if I taught you to swim?". Your head shot up straight away a smile plastered on your face. "Yes please", you said. Straight away both of youse headed back out to the pool.

Harry got in the water first waiting for you to climb in from the side. "Come over here, I'm not going to drown you for god sakes I'm a life guard", Harry chuckled as you hung on to the side of the pool not wanting to let go. Harry had to come over and physically pull you from the side and into the middle of the pool where you could stand. From there he taught you basic swimming skills. "There we go, your swimming", Harry chanted as you finally got the hang of it as you learned to swim. For the whole afternoon all the boys cheered you on and helped you both learn and perfect your fear of swimming. "Now you can become a lifeguard just like me", Harry laughed showing off his body in his swimming trunks and lifeguard cap. "Fuck off Harry", you laughed back. "But thank you for helping me", you said hugging him.

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