Doctor Imagine for lexi101601

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It was that time of the year again, when your doctor would send out the reminder letters for your yearly shots. Louis your big brother and guardian had received the reminder letter just a couple of days ago, which meant Louis had booked you an appointment straight away, and all you can do now is just wait.


"Y/n come on its time get up, you have an appointment today and we have to there in 2 hours", Louis voice rang out in your ear. Already in a shitty mood you lifted your warm blankets up and over your head, snuggling back into your bed. "Wait what?", you yelled, as you heard Louis footsteps tap down the hall. "Yes you have an appointment with the doctor, so hurry up".

By now you was absolutely shitting your self. Doctor! Shots! Needles! Pain! Nooooooo. You Jumped straight up out of your bed and raced over to your bedroom door, slamming it shut and locking it. "No y/n", you could hear louis running back up the hallway. "Open this door up now y/n!", he yelled in frustration, as he already knew how much trouble he's going to have trying to get you to the doctor today.

"No, No, No!!!!",you yelled back slamming your own body back into the door. There was complete silent, and then the ringing sound of a mobile on loud speaker started. "Hey Lou, Whats up?", the familiar voice of Harry said. "Hey is there any chance you could come around and help me out with y/n?, Thanks a lot, also could you cal the rest of the boys?".

Not long after Louis had hung up the phone, the door bell sounded and numerous footsteps made their way down the hall and stopped to meet Louis right in front of your door. Their was whispers and small talk happening right outside your door. "What about a spare key?", you hear a voice whisper. Shit!! you thought to your self as you knew that you had forgotten to collect the spare key.

Not long After the door handle was wiggling around inside your hand, but 5 boys against 1 girl was never going to work. Of cause they won and all 5 of the boys made their way into your bedroom. Zayn being the strongest threw you over his shoulder and carried you out to Louis car. Zayn and Liam the got in the other car and Niall, Harry, Louis and you where in louis car. Theres no escape now is there.

Arriving at the doctors surgery, you agreed to walk in by your self but of cause closely followed by the rest of the boys. Louis checked you into the doctor and youse all took a seat and waited for the nurse to call you back. "y/n Tomlinson, the Doctor will see you now", the little old lady holding a clipboard smiled, whilst pointing in the direction of the Doctors office.

Taking a seat down on the free seats, the doctor made her way in. "Ok so Miss Tomlinson you will be getting 2 shots today and then your free to go. Your hands started sweating and your nerves started to kick in. The doctor turned around to set up the needles, and found this your chance to make a run for it. You was just about out of the door, when Niall came out of no where pushing the door shut again. "And where do you think your going Miss Tommo?", he smiled.

Taking a seat again, the doctor brought over the two needles, "okay so one for each arm, and we will start with your left arm". The tears started to come, as the needle came closer to your arm. 3 2 1 she counted down and plunged it into your arm. The feeling of a burning liquid felled your arm and he sting from the metal being removed made the tears fall. And then she repeated the same process with the other arm.

After the whole doctors appointment, all the boys decided to go out for lunch with you and go shopping, oh and hey at least you didn't have to carry your bags, when you had 5 boys with non needled arms.

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