Imagine for niallersgirl20- Niall goes to the dentist, engagement and a baby

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Imagine for niallersgirl20- Niall goes to the dentist, engagement and a baby

Your pov- Numerous letters had been sent out as reminders of Niall's annual 6 month dental check up, but this was the first time you have seen them, when you found Niall's secret stash of the papers in the back garden. "You cheeky cunt", you smiled to your self at the thought of Niall doing something like this. But all his hard work was about to be thrown out the window when you picked up the phone and dialled the number to the dental clinic. "Smile dentistry Louis speaking", a familiar voice said on the other end. "Louis? Is that you?", you asked. "Is that you y/n?", he asked back. "Yeah, I'm just ringing to make an appointment for Niall", you said int the phone. "Finally a response I've lost count of how many I've sent out", Louis laughed. "I know well our little leprechaun has been hiding them", you laughed making Louis chuckle. The tapping of computer keys sounded in the background. "If you'd like there's an appointment for 5pm today and that's our last for today", Louis said. "That'll be fine the quicker it's over and done with the better", you said saying goodbye and hanging up. Now all you had to do is break the news to him.

It was 4:30 and Niall was finally home. "Want to go out for dinner?", you asked Niall giving him a quick peck on he lips. "Sure just let me get a new shirt", he said going up stairs and putting on a new shirt. "Ready", he yelled running down the stairs and locking the door behind him self and jumping in the car you had ready to go. "So where we going?", Niall asked. "Not sure yet", you lied knowing exactly where youse where going which wasn't a food place. Which he seemed to have figured out by his facial expression when I drove into the dentist car park. "What are we doing here?", Niall asked as he started freaking. "I have an appointment first", you lied making him feel say agin which he wasn't.

"Y/n, Niall", Louis smirked from behind the counter. "Why are you here?", Niall asked Louis. "This is my job man", he said weirdly and acted like he was surfing a wave. "Follow me you two", Louis said walking down the hall to number 4. Walking inside there sat Liam who had a coat draped over his shoulders and all the tools set up. "Your the dentist?", you asked Liam surprised yourself whilst pointing. "Yep, now how about you take a seat Niall?", Liam asked.

Niall's pov- "me? No you've made a mistake this is y/n's appointment", I argued back, my heart pounding against my chest as I waited for Liam to say I was right. "I'm sorry Niall but this is really your appointment", y/n said. "I don't think so", I said as I attempted to to make my escape out of the room, only to be pushed down into the chair by Louis. "Open?", Liam asked tapping my lips with his metal dental tools. I opened my mouth just enough so the tools could fit in. "Suction Louis?", Liam asked as Louis placed the suction tube inside my mouth. The scraping feeling of the tools against my teeth sent shivers down my spine, that's when pain erupted through my mouth. "Did that hurt?", Liam asked retracting the tools. "Louis get the films ready and we will take some X-rays", Liam said to Louis who got up and got the X-ray films ready. Liam placed them in my mouth and got the X-rays over and done with.

"Wow that's a serious amount of cavity's", Louis said shocked as he looked over the X-rays with Liam. "1, 2, 3, 4, 20", Liam counted them out loud making my stomach turn. "Get the needles ready for me", Liam said to Louis who walked i front of me and pulled out 5 needles and started filling them with novocain. "Wow that's a lot of needles", I laughed out freaking out in the inside. "I think I might go to the toilet", I said getting up to run out of the clinic only to be stopped Liam this time. "Your not going anywhere", he said placing a mask over my mouth and nose. Everything started to become blurry and then I blacked out feeling my back hitting the dental chair for the last time.

Your pov- you watched Niall fall back into the dental chair as Liam removed the mask from his face and nose. "That should do the trick", Liam smiled before forcefully opening his mouth with his glove covered fingers and inserting a mouth prop to hold his mouth open. Louis handed Liam each injection and one after the other he injected his gums with the novocain. The drill sounded up and both Liam and Louis got to work on drilling out the 20 cavities Niall had then filling them all up after woods with the tooth coloured mixture. Niall was still out once they had sinus he'd with his teeth. Both of them helped him to the car and you took him home to sleep and rest.

Your pov- the next day- "how you feeling?", you asked Niall as he walked into the kitchen. "Better then yesterday", he smirked as you thought back to yesterday. "What you doing anyways?", Niall asked sitting at the kitchen island. "I have a bun in the oven", you spat out not meaning for it to sound like that at all, you just end freaked. "I like buns, especially those poppy seed ones you make. Wait the oven ain't even on", Niall said looking at you totally confused. "I'm pregnant", you spat out. The look on Niall's face was historical, "what? Oh my god I'm going to be a dad", he said jumping out of the seat and kissing your belly.

Looking up to you he smirked "well i have a rock in my back pocket", he said whilst slipping his left hand into his pocket and pulling out a gorgeous diamond ring. Your hands flew up to your mouth as you started screaming in excitement. "Y/n, will you do me the honours of becoming Mrs Horan?", he asked waiting for a reply. "Yes", you screamed as he grabbed your left hand and placed the ring onto your ring finger. "I love you so much", he said picking you up and spinning you around. "And I love you to my little offspring", he said rubbing his nose int your stomach.

Your pov- 9 months later- sharp pains ripped through your insides as you laid I bed next to asleep Niall. "Aaahhh", you cried in pain to yourself whilst trying to sit up in the bed. The sheets where soaking wet and you knew it was time. "Niall? Niall?", you asked shaking his shoulders. His eyes slowly opened, "what's wrong?", he asked jumping off the bed. "The baby I think she's coming ", you informed Niall. "Now?", he asked then it must have hit him, he rushed around collecting the bags youse have had packed and ready for weeks. After putting them in the car he came back up and helped you down the stairs and into the car.

"Uuugggghh", you grunted as the pain got worst. Niall looked over worriedly, "breath, breath", he comforted you whilst trying his hardest to keep his eyes on the road. "Look at the bright side me and my baby girl are going to be sharing our birthday", Niall smiled, making you look at the time which was 11:55 when we arrived at the hospital. Niall rushed in getting a wheel chair and rushed back out collecting you. "She's going into labour", Niall screamed as he ran through the hospital pushing the wheel chair. The nurses and doctors soon got you into a room thats when the doctor checked you. "y/n your going to have to push", the doctor informed you. "I can't", you cried out already in to much pain. "Come on baby, you can do it. Just think of our baby girl after this", Niall reassured you grabbing your hand and kissing your sweaty forehead.

"3, 2, 1, push y/n", the doctor yelled. "Uuuuuuggggghhhhh", you screamed in pain,

whilst pushing the hardest you could. "Nearly there. 3, 2, 1, push", the doctor yelled again. "Whhhyyyy did you do this to me", you cried to Niall whilst pushing again. The doctor grabbed the head of your baby and started pulling her out of you. Baby cries screamed through the room, making both you and Niall cry at the sound of your baby. After the nurses took her away to clean her they brought her back. "Congratulations it's a baby girl", they said handing you the baby. "Have yous chose a name yet?", they asked. "Kaeylynn-Rose Horan. Who just happens to have been born at 12:03am on 13th September", you smiled kissing Niall. "Happy birthday Ni". 

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