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Suleiman looked around him in confusion, he was in the middle of the forest, lost, he didn't know what forest he was in or what part of that forest he stood in. His eyes trailed up to the night sky and watched as the star moved above him in a circular motion around the moon making it shine brighter and brighter until he couldn't bare looking at it anymore and raised his hand to block the bright light. The light shot down towards him making him stagger a bit and watch as it stopped in front of him and started to dim down until it was a silhouette.

The light went off and Qamar stood in front of him in a bright white dress making her dark brown hair look black. She smiled softly at him and walked closer to him taking each step consciously, Suleiman noticed that she was barefoot. She didn't stop until they were chest to chest looking into each other's eyes deeply. She took a hold of his hand and started leading him deeper into the forest.

They stopped on the edge of a beautiful clearing where all colors and types of flowers laid in the moonlight. In the middle of the clearing sat a throne, his throne. Qamar let go of his hand and walked over to the throne taking her place behind it placing her hand on the painted wood.

Suleiman walked over to her stopping in front of the throne, he looked down to see a sleeping baby laying it looking as peaceful as an angel. He looked back at Qamar who was looking down at the baby with so much love before her gaze moved back up to look at him, she opened her red lips and whispered, she whispered a name.


Suleiman sat up breathing heavily feeling the beads of sweat run down his forehead to the side of his face and down to his neck. He looked beside him where Qamar laid on her back with her hand placed protectively over her swollen stomach where their child laid.

Suleiman couldn't help himself but move his hand to rest on her stomach feeling his child kick his hand softly earning a small groan from Qamar who continued to sleep used to the kicks. Suleiman felt guilty for her, she was so happy about bringing him a new child soon but Hurrem got pregnant with their fourth child only three moths later moving the spotlight from Qamar to her and Qamar will only have the spotlight on herself and the newborn for three months before Hurrem will steal it again when she gives birth.

"Murad" Suleiman muttered rubbing her stomach affectionately earning another kick as if the baby liked that name. He pushed the covers off of himself and stood up feeling all of the muscles on his body stiffen like he actually was in that forest. He walked over to the teras doors and pulled them open feeling the summer warm breeze hit him in the face. He walked up the step and over to the railing leaning against it and looked over the sleeping city below him.

The last Sultan with the name Murad was Murad II, he was his great grandfather, Murad the second father of Mehmet the second father of Beyazid the second father of Selim the first father of Suleiman the first. Suleiman watched as the sun started to rise from over the horizon. He could still hear Qamar's whisper in his ears repeating the name over and over again like a siren call.

Suleiman closer his eyes enjoying the June warm breeze having had enough of the harsh winter that lasted for months upon months. He smiled as he felt arm struggling to wrap around him from behind and the soft press of her bulging stomach against his back. He pulled her forward beside him and held her into his arms, one resting around her shoulder and the other resting on the swell of her stomach.

"Good morning, my moon" He whispered not wanting to break the comfortable silence that fell over them. She sighed happily leaning against his side with a soft smile on her face.

"Good morning, my sultan" She whispered back. Qamar couldn't feel more relieved and calm after what happened a couple of months back. Hurrem did as told and got rid of the Russian maids but that made Qamar worry a little as Hurrem and Suleiman's relationship grew stronger almost as strong as their own. And not only that but Hurrem got pregnant right after her.

"Suleiman" Qamar said worriedly earning his attention making him pull away from their loving embrace and look over her to see her looking down in horror as clear water ran down her legs.

"The baby is coming," She said nervously looking up at him. His eyes widened in shock. He picked her up and walked back into the room placing her softly on the bed as the actual pain hit her in the guts and a scream left her lips breaking his heart for his poor moon.

"Call the midwives" He ordered the guards at the door before running back to her side as she screamed loudly in pain. He couldn't help but glare at the midwives when they asked him to leave the room.

Qamar's POV:

I let out a sigh of relief as the pressure and pain stopped. I leaned back feeling exhausted from the birth. I smiled as the loud crying of my child reached my ears, I could feel a familiar warmth fill my chest that I've felt before when I gave birth the first two times.

"It's a son" The midwife confirmed causing huge grins to plaster on everyone's faces around me. I let out a small laugh and looked beside me at Rosie who grinned and helped me sit up before another maid along with Rosie helped me stand up and walked me over to the side of the room to get me cleaned up as they changed the sheets of the bed.

I grinned as I was placed back down on the sultan's bed. I didn't only give birth in the sultan's room but by the doctors' orders, I was not allowed to move from the bed for a couple of days due to me losing a little too much blood.

"There you are" I whispered as Rosie placed the now clean baby in my arms. I looked down at the child with a grin as he slept peacefully against my chest. I leaned down and kissed his head feeling tears brim my eyes but I pushed them back as the doors opened and Suleiman walked in with a smile.

"What did she have?" The Valide asked walking in behind her son. Suleiman walked over to me and stood beside the bed holding out his hands. I placed the baby in his arms and watched as he pulled him up and kissed his head.

"A son" The midwife answered the Valide. I frowned a little when I saw Suleiman freeze for a second but let it go and smirked when Hurrem walked in with Mahidevran with grim faces as always. I took the shawl Rosie offered me and wrapped it around my head before Suleiman could start.

"Your name will be... Murad"

"Your name will be Murad"

"Your name will be Murad"

I felt confused as to why Suleiman hesitated to name our son, did he not like the name? He could've chosen another one but I felt like Murad suited him the best. Suleiman placed Murad back into my arms and kissed my forehead. I smiled down at the baby as he moved his hands around in his sleep. He slowly opened his small eyes blinking a couple of times not used to the light before he started to look around curiously. He had stark blue eyes just like his father and I knew that every time I looked at Murad I will be seeing Suleiman in his eyes.

 He had stark blue eyes just like his father and I knew that every time I looked at Murad I will be seeing Suleiman in his eyes

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