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Qamar Sultan, with a stern expression, entered Rüstem's office in the Topkapi Palace. Rüstem rose to his feet, greeting her respectfully. "Welcome, esteemed Qamar Sultan. It's an honor to have you here," he said, bowing slightly.

Qamar acknowledged the greeting with a nod and wasted no time getting to the heart of the matter. "Rüstem Pasha, what brings you to me today?"

Rüstem, aware of the sensitive nature of the information he carried, chose his words carefully. "Qamar Sultan, I bring news that may trouble you. Sehzade Mustafa has been welcomed into the capital by the Janissary army. It seems there are those who wish to challenge the Sultan's authority indirectly."

Qamar's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and concern. "Mustafa," she muttered under her breath. Though he was not her son, the implications of such a move were clear.

Rüstem continued, "I thought it necessary to inform you, as it goes against the established order and may be seen as a challenge to Sultan Suleiman himself."

Qamar paced the room for a moment, her mind working swiftly. "This could be an opportunity," she said, turning to face Rüstem. "An opportunity to sow discord between Mustafa and the Sultan. A well-placed word could deepen the rift."

Rüstem raised an eyebrow, understanding the gravity of what Qamar was suggesting. "You propose using this incident to your advantage, creating tension between father and son?"

Qamar met his gaze with a steely resolve. "Yes. We must ensure that Mustafa becomes a thorn in Suleiman's side. Plant the seeds of doubt, and let them grow. It's time we exploit the weaknesses within the palace walls."

Rüstem considered the plan, recognizing the political cunning behind it. "As you wish, Qamar Sultan. I will handle the situation discreetly and report back with the developments."

Qamar nodded, her mind already strategizing the next moves. "Make sure every step is calculated. We cannot afford any missteps in this delicate dance."

As Qamar Sultan discussed the plan with Rüstem Pasha, she found a moment to bring up a matter that weighed heavily on her heart. As they stood in a quiet corner of Rüstem's office, away from prying eyes and ears, Qamar fixed her gaze on him.

"Rüstem Pasha," she began, her tone serious, "I must know where your true allegiance lies. Will you commit to ensuring that one of my sons, whether it be Murad, Korkut, or Seyfettin, rises to the throne? Or will you betray us in favor of Hürrem's sons, Selim, Beyazid, or Cihangir?"

Qamar's eyes bore into Rüstem's, searching for any hint of hesitation or deception. The political landscape within the palace was treacherous, and she needed to ascertain the loyalty of those around her, especially a man married to her daughter.

Rüstem met her gaze with a steady look. "Qamar Sultan, my loyalty is to you and the legacy of this dynasty. I am bound by marriage to Ayse, and by extension, to your family. I will do everything in my power to see that your sons ascend to the throne. You have my word."

Qamar remained silent for a moment, scrutinizing his sincerity. The weight of her daughter's happiness and the future of her lineage rested on the choices made in these political intrigues.

"Remember, Rüstem Pasha, that actions speak louder than words," she finally spoke. "This is a dangerous game, and I need assurance that you are with us until the end. Betrayal will not be taken lightly."

Rüstem nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I am aware of the consequences, Qamar Sultan. You have my unwavering commitment."

With that, Qamar Sultan left the room, her mind filled with both the intricacies of the plan and the precarious nature of trust in the realm of palace politics.

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