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"Sultana, Sunbul Agha is at the door" Rosie informed me, I closed the book in my hand and nodded for her to let him in. I glanced at the cribs in front of me to make sure that the twins were still asleep.

"What is it Sunbul agha?" I asked looking up at him as he bowed to me. He had that mischievous look on his face.

"The sultan ordered me to inform you to prepare yourself to travel with him to Edirne," He said. I smirked knowing that Hurrem is pissed that he was taking me with them on their supposed romantic trip.

"Who's coming with?" I asked standing up and signaled Rosie to start packing so we won't be making the sultan late.

"Hurrem hatun, prince Mehmed, prince Osman, and prince Mustafa but..." He trailed off looking anywhere but me with a worried look on his face.

"What is it Sunbul?" I asked stepping closer to him. He refused to say and looked down at his hands. I placed my hands on my waist and looked down at him with a half glare.

"Mahidevran sultan is refusing to send the prince on his own" He admitted looking up at me with defeat.

"Leave her to me," I said and let one of the maids, Helen, clip on my shawl since there was no need for a coat on this beautiful summer day.

I walked out of my room and down the harem where the girls jumped up and watched me wide-eyed as aghas followed me with a box filled with my and Osman's things. I walked over to Mahidevran's room which was more of a shocker to the maids.

The maids at the door opened the door and let me in. Mahidevran was sat on her bed wiping away her tears so I won't see them while Mustafa sat beside her with a sad expression on his face.

"What are you doing Mahidevran?" I asked intertwining my hands in front of me as I gave her a hard stare. She stood up and walked closer to me like she was trying to intimidate me.

"What is it to you, Qamar?" She asked harshly glaring as hard as she could at me. She was being stupid at the moment. Defining the sultan's order was just stupid and could cause her, her son.

"You want to fix your relationship with Suleiman? Then you shouldn't be doing stupid things like defining his order" I said back just as harshly. She looked down at her hands in shame.

"Come on Mustafa, say goodbye to your mother before we leave" I nodded at the aghas behind me to get his things which they immediately did as Mustafa and Mahidevran hugged each other and she kissed the top of his head.

I took his hand in mine giving him a soft smile. I looked at Mahidevran and nodded at her as a way to show her that I will take care of him no matter what happens. She nodded back in thanks before I pulled Mustafa out of the room and we walked down the harem hand in hand. I saw Suleiman standing at the end of the harem with a glare on his face and Hurrem a smirk on her but it dropped when they saw me walk over with my hand in Mustafa's.

"Forgive me, your majesty, Mahidevran was just informing me how to make Mustafa comfortable while we are away and we got carried away" I bowed and smile up at him which he returned. He touched Mustafa's chin making him look up at his father and smile at him.

"That is alright since everyone's here we should get going," He said and started walking in the front making the maids bow to him. I looked up at the Valide's balcony where she stood with a look of relief on her face and she smiled at me as a way to thank me.

"Go walk with Mehmed and Osman" I patted Mustafa's shoulder who was more than happy to walk over to Mehmed and take his hand and placed the other one in Osman's small hand. Mehmed was only two years older than Osman but the age difference was still noticeable.

"I have no idea how you convinced Mahidevran to let her let her son go so easily," Hurrem said with a small hiss in her voice as we walked out to the garden where the carriages were waiting for us.

"It's none of your business Hurrem," I said giving her a fake sweet smile which she returned as Suleiman turned to look at us. She walked over to the first carriage but was stopped by Sunbul agha.

"You can't ride in this carriage hatun, the wife of the sultan is of higher status and she shall be the one to ride in the first carriage," He said stopping in front of the door so she won't be able to get inside.

"Come on children" I pulled Mustafa with me knowing very well he would rather ride with me than with Hurrem and her venomous words.

Mustafa got in first then my maid with Osman in her arms, I insisted that Rosie stays with the twins since they needed her more than me and Osman. I looked at Hurrem who was glaring at me with so much hate and loathing. I smirked and got into the carriage and sat facing forward with Mustafa in front of me and my maid Helen beside me with Osman in her lap, beside Mustafa sat one of Mahidevran's maids to take care of Mustafa when I couldn't.

"Mustafa," I said earning his attention from the castle that was slowly disappearing from sight as the carriages moved out of the garden and onto the road.

"I must warn you, darling, don't listen to whatever Hurrem hatun says, she will try to make you sad because she is sad, and this kind of people we usually ignore, okay?" I took his hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze, he nodded his head with a soft smile.

"Why didn't my mother get to come with us?" He asked lowly looking down in sadness breaking my heart, the poor boy didn't deserve to feel these emotions just yet, he was too young.

"Because your mother did some bad things a while back but your father is a wise and caring me and I'm sure he will forgive her one of these days" I smiled at him and gave his hand one more squeeze before I let go and turned to Osman who was reaching for his brother, Mustafa was a perfect brother and loved all of his siblings the same and that's why he was very loved by everyone.

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