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I groaned feeling pain in my stomach and side. Was I still alive? Why? I willed myself to wake up and open my eyes. I was in my room but on my bed and no longer on the terrace. I looked beside me trying to see what had happened. Suleiman was sat beside me on the bed with his head in his hand.

"Suleiman" I whispered feeling like my throat was dryer than a desert. Suleiman's head snapped in my direction and looked at me. I was so weak I couldn't even muster up a smile.

"How could you do this?" He asked with pain on his face. Did he mean how could I serve Sahihuban Sultan?

"How could you try and kill yourself and leave your children motherless, leave Hürrem's children without a mother again?" Suleiman hissed. It seemed that he was letting out his sadness through anger. This gave me hope that maybe he doesn't hate me like I thought he would.

"The day you begin to hate me is the day I die, Suleiman" I whispered reaching out for him. Suleiman pulled away and jumped off the bed.

"I don't hate you," Suleiman said but it sounded cold and distant. I almost flinched from the tone of his voice but my body was too weak.

"The second you recover you will be sent to Edirne with only Nuriye," Suleiman said before leaving. A sob left my lips but I placed a hand over my mouth to stop any further sounds from coming out. He wasn't only banishing me but also depriving me of my children except for Nuriye the top young girl.

"I wasn't expecting such things from you, Qamar" Hatice Sultan said looking at me with a pained expression. Some aghas loaded the carriages with my and Nuriye's things. Nuriye was already in the carriage.

"I didn't have a choice, it was either my sisters die or live" I answered wincing as the pain hit me in my side. I've been standing for too long and my body was tired, I haven't fully recovered from the poison yet.

"I understand and I think that banishing you was too harsh on my brother's side. I will try and talk to him" Hatice promised touching my arm. I smiled weakly but nothing in the world could make me happy again as long as I'm away from Suleiman and our children.

"Take care of my children. Abdullah and Beyhan are both allergic to nuts. Mehmed doesn't like meat as much as chicken and Selim and Beyazid should never be left alone because they are like fire and wood, always fighting and lighting up fights" I whispered feeling weaker by the second. Mal wrapped an arm around my waist to support me. I decided that Rosie should stay with my children while I was away, she was who I trusted most along with Hundi and Halil.

"Don't worry, I will move them to my palace too" Hatice said trying to assure me. I smiled grateful for her actions. I looked behind her one last time at the palace I've spent the last sixteen years in, the palace I birthed nine children in. My eyes stopped on Suleiman's terrace to find him standing there leaning against the railing. The sight of him brought tears to my eyes.

"Goodbye," I whispered to Hatice before letting Mal help me into the carriage. Mal got in too and sat on the opposite seat from me along with Mara. I watched out of the window as the palace grew smaller in size the further away we got.

"Careful, Sultanim" Mal whispered softly as she helped me sit down. I let out a sigh as the pain in my body ceased a little. I wanted all of this to just end and for me to be in Suleiman's arms but he would never forgive me for what I did. Suleiman said he didn't hate but he didn't say he loved me either. I ruined everything and I knew that I was ready to die to not live through this torture but it seems Suleiman wanted to see me suffer even more.

"Do you need anything, Sultanim?" Mal asked. I raised my legs on the couch trying to get comfortable with the ache all over my body still present.

"No, go stay with Nuriye and Mara" I ordered. Mal bowed to me and left me alone in my room to myself and my thoughts. Were the children okay? Did Hatice do as she said and took them to her palace, I hope so because I don't like them being around Sahihuban Sultan when she killed their brother with cold blood. I haven't told Suleiman that detail because I knew he wouldn't believe me then, this was a detail for another time if there were another time.

"Sultanim," someone said shaking me. I was too weak to do more than open my eyes. I had fallen asleep on the couch feeling exhausted. Mal was leaning over me with a worried look on her face, the sun was out and birds were singing outside.

"Sultanim, you are burning up" Mal looked even more worried than the night before. Her hand was on my forehead touching me.

"Someone call a midwife" she yelled at someone by the door. She removed her hand only for it to be replaced by a cold wet rag.

"We need to move her to the bed, it's more comfortable" Mara pointed out. The two helped me off the couch and to my bed where I lay unable to move a muscle in my body.

"It hurts" was all I could muster up. The only words that could leave my mouth and after that it seemed that the muscles in my mouth stopped functioning. Mal placed another rag on my forehead to keep me cool.

"I will send the news to the palace" Mara for up from the bed and scurried out of the room. Mal let out a sigh and dipped the rag in the water basin again before placing it back on my forehead, I was grateful for these two women who were loyal to me. The midwife came a couple of minutes later with her bag and began examining me.

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