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"Ibrahim Pasha joined Hatice Sultan and the Valide in Edirne for some reason" Rosie informed me as I sat signing some papers for the harem.

"It's like Allah is smiling down at me with everyone gone" I chuckled handing her the papers I'm done with before turning to the second pile. The doors to my room opened and a maid came in guiding Abdullah who was holding his stomach.

"What's wrong, darling?" I asked letting go of the papers and running to his side. I picked him and up and buried his head between my neck and shoulder.

"My tummy hurts" he whispered. I could feel him tightening his grip on my shoulders.

"Call the doctors immediately " I ordered the maid that had brought him here. She bowed and ran out of the room. I walked over to my bed and placed him down on it and pulled the covers over his body, he could be feeling pain because he wasn't covered right at night.

"Send someone to tell the sultan that Sehzade Abdullah is sick" I ordered Rosie. She bowed and went out of the room to find Sumbul.

"Try to sleep until the doctors arrive" I whispered kissing Abdullah's forehead

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"Try to sleep until the doctors arrive" I whispered kissing Abdullah's forehead. He closed his eyes and welcomed sleep with open arms as it brought him relief from the pain.

The doors opened and two doctors walked in. One of them placed her tools to the side and slid on the bed on Abdullah's other side. She started checking out his stomach making him wake up after only five minutes of sleep and cry out when she touch a specific part of his stomach. The doors opened and Suleiman walked in. I couldn't help but feel tears build up in my eyes as Abdullah cried in pain.

"What is wrong with my son?" Suleiman asked the doctor examining Abdullah.

"I still haven't found out yet, your majesty " she bowed her head before turning back to Abdullah. Suleiman placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back from the bed. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist in fear over my dear boy.

"He'll be fine " Suleiman reassured rubbing up and down my arm. The doctor stood up from the bed and went to her bag pulling out a clear bottle with some blue medicine inside.

"Sultanim, his highness is only suffering from a mere cold, give him this medicine and he should feel better by tomorrow," she said handing me the bottle. I sighed in relief and held the bottle close to my chest.

"Thank you" I whispered before sidestepping her to the bed and sat down beside Abdullah. I ran my fingers through his hair as he fall back asleep in relief now that no one was pressing on his pained stomach.

"I told you he'll be fine," Suleiman said sitting on Abdullah's other side placing his hand atop mine making me stop my movement.

"Thankfully" I whispered to not wake the sleeping four years old child.

"Where are Osman, Ayse, Murad, and the girls?" Suleiman asked.

"Osman is in his lessons and the Murad and the girls are with Mustafa" I answered. Abdullah groaned in his sleep but settled back down making me smile.

"I'll stay here with him, you finish the papers," Suleiman said nodding behind me at the table with paper scattered around on it. In my panic, I threw the paper without a care of them and the only thing in my head was Abdullah.

"Are you sure? I know you're very busy" I whispered turning back to look at him.

"Go" he smiled and sat up beside Abdullah on the bed. I stood up and walked over to the table to finish the last couple of papers.

I almost gave up on reading them to concentrate on Abdullah but I finished them which was almost a miracle. I handed the papers to Rosie at the door before going back to sit down on the bed beside Abdullah who was awake now. I filled a spoon with the blue medicine and held it out to him, he grimaced as he swallowed the medicine but didn't complain, my angel, I give him a cup with orange juice to wash away the taste.

"You're a good mother, Qamar, I have only seen you this worried when Osman was sick and the doctors mistook the sickness for the plague a while back" Suleiman was the one to break the silence that filled the room.

"If something happens to any of our children I don't know what I'll do, I'll probably go crazy," I said kissing Abdullah's cheek making him giggle a little before laying down on the bed again. He'll definitely be sleeping beside me tonight.

"I have never told you this but Ayse looks exactly like my mother, the same hair color and the same eyes when I saw her it felt like my mother came back to life through her" I whispered looking up at Suleiman to see his reaction. He was smiling softly at me before realization dawned on him.

"You have never told me anything about your family or your homeland," he said looking at me. I smiled and shook my head a little.

"You've never asked" I shrugged. A snore made me jump and I looked down to find that Abdullah had fallen asleep yet again.

"Come" Suleiman pulled me from the bed and held my hand as we walked to the couch and sat down side by side still holding hands.

"I came from England, I was on a trip to Greece when Turkish pirates attacked our boat and I was one of the few that survived the attack and I was taken as a slave. I used to be a lady in my country so I was used to luxury and it was hard on me to become a slave but I forced myself to cope with it. After that, I was brought here to Istanbul and sold to an old man and our Valide saw me and brought me from him on the way to his home" I said. I couldn't help but remember my life before the Topkapi palace, I was happy with a happy family.

"Three of my sisters were with me, I only found one for now" I finished looking back at him.

"You never mentioned anything about searching for your sisters and where is that sister you found?" Suleiman asked curiously.

"My sisters Elizabeth and Mary I have not found Alice for now, she staying at one of the mansions you gifted me" I answered. I could see realization dawn on him, the times I was sad and mad, the times I was unease and worried.

"I will find them and bring them to you"

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