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I sighed in relief as the carriage finally stopped. I pushed the curtain aside with one hand while the other was occupied with holding Seyfettin. Sümbul was waiting for me along with Halil. Halil held out his hand for me to take and step down. I smiled at the sight of the huge palace in front of me.

"Where are the children?" I asked Sümbul. Ever since he came to me pledging his loyalty some kind of rivalry began between him and Halil, I noticed from the way they usually both raced to give me information or get into my good graces.

"The Sehzades are in their literature lessons and the Sultanas are in their music lessons" Halil answered for Sümbul. Sümbul glared at Halil who smirked back with a smug look on his face.

"When they're done bring them to my chamber" I ordered. I walked in between the two and made my way into the palace with Ayse and Mihrimah trailing behind me.

"Sultanim" I stopped when Halil called after me. I turned around to look at him confused for a second. He eyed Mihrimah and Ayse behind me before clearing his throat.

"Mal, take Seyfettin to his room" I ordered my maid handing her the newborn. The maids in the harem are probably also waiting for the presents and gold that will be given to them other than the party in the evening.

"Mihrimah, Ayse, you two go rest" I smiled softly at the young girls. Mihrimah and Ayse eye each other before bowing and leaving me and Halil alone. I turned around to face my eunch who waited for the girls to be a good distance away before turning to face me.

"Ayas Pasha is asking for an audience with you" Halil whispered lowly. I raised a confused eyebrow. Since when did political Pashas want to see me?

"Where?" I asked. Ayas Pasha was the second pasha in the empire after Ibrahim, it was no secret that these two hate each other, maybe he knew of my dislike of Ibrahim Pasha and wanted to join forces to get rid of Ibrahim pasha.

"The marble palace" Halil answered. I sighed and headed back towards the carriage. Halil followed me, he was too loyal and cautious to let me go on my own.

"Welcome Sultanim," Ayas Pasha said from behind the folding screen. Halil stood beside me hearing everything too.

"Thank you, Pasha. You got me worried, is everything alright?" I asked folding my hands in front of me so I won't twiddle with them and show how nervous I was, just because he couldn't see me doesn't mean he could not see shadows.

"Yes Sultanim, everything is alright. I have found people you have been searching for" Aysa Pasha said. I could hear the smirk in his voice which made me uneasy. I looked at Halil to see if he knew what the Pasha was talking about but he only shrugged his shoulders.

"Who, pasha?" I asked curiously. Ayas knew how to phrase his words to get someone curious and wanting to hear more, he would have made a very good merchant if he wasn't a pasha.

"Three girls with the names of Alice, Mary, and Elisabeth" He answered. The air I was breathing got caught in my throat the second he said the names of my sisters.

"Where are they?" I asked fighting the urge to push the screen away and look at him. I did not think Ayas Pasha would be strong enough to find my sisters.

"Somewhere safe" The second he said his words I knew that he wanted something in return. I gulped fearing whatever his request was going to be, what if it was something I can't provide? What if it was something out of my control?

"What do you want in return for them?" I asked. I dropped my hands by my sides and clutched them in tight fists. I wouldn't be shocked if the skin broke and blood coated my hands.

"Ayse Sultan" He answered. My eyes widened in shock. I turned to Halil who let out a loud and dramatic gasp.

"Excuse me?" I was so shocked my brain did not comprehend his words. Halil staggered a couple of steps back in shock. How dare Ayas demand such a thing? He had leverage, meaning I cannot show how I truly felt.

"I want to marry Ayse Sultan, I am ready to divorce my wife and marry your eldest daughter," Ayas Pasha said it more clearly now meaning I wasn't hearing wrong. I gulped not knowing what to do in this situation.

"What if she rejects you?" I asked breathlessly. Ayse was the daughter of the Sultan, not some concubine in the harem, I cannot order her to do something, she needs to accept the marriage before it happens.

"Then I have another request, I will not say it unless she rejects the offer" Ayas answered. That bastard was blackmailing me for my daughter's hand in marriage. She was a child compared to him, he was almost Suleiman's age.

"I'll see what I can do" I mumbled before scrambling out of the room the meeting happened in. Halil scrambled after me gasping for air still in shock. The carriage ride back to the palace was filled with silence, still, both Halil and I were shocked and confused.

I walked down the harem with a stone-cold face much to the shock and confusion of the maids throwing congratulations my way but earning back only a nod or a stiff smile back. The maids at the door opened them for me so I could walk into the late Valide's wing now my wing. The conversation I had with Ayas vanished the second I saw all of my children and Hürrem's children gathered in the room waiting for me.

"Mother!" Murad was the first to see me. He ran over to me and hugged me around the waist. I leaned down and kissed the crown of his head before he was pushed aside so Kaya and Beyhan can hug me.

"Qamar, dear" Suleiman closed his book and placed it beside him on the couch. I smiled stiffly and bowed to him. He held out a hand for me and the second I placed my hand into his, he pulled me to sit by his side on the empty side of the couch.

"It looks like you have something to say" Suleiman pointed out. I nodded my head feeling a lump in my throat.

"Yes, I have been thinking of suitable grooms for Mihrimah and Ayse, as you know they are old enough to marry now" I began. Suleiman nodded his head not interrupting me for a second meaning he has been thinking of the same thing.

"I have found a suitable husband for Ayse and I wanted to ask for your opinion" I pushed my pride aside knowing my sisters were in danger and needed me, besides I was not going to marry my daughter to some abuser, Ayas Pasha would never dare.

"What about Mihrimah? She is older" Suleiman pointed out. I sighed and took his hands between my own.

"I am still searching, a groom will appear when the time is right," I said rubbing comforting circles on his hands. Suleiman was like a newborn in seconds and nodded his head without question.

"Who do you have in mind?" Suleiman asked pulling me closer to his side. I took a deep breath before meeting his eyes again.

"Ayas Pasha" I answered with a fake smile on my face. Suleiman's eyebrows shot up in shock and confusion.

"Ayas Pasha?" Suleiman asked confused. I nodded my head to confirm that he had heard me right, he heard the name right.

"Why Ayas Pasha?" Suleiman asked confused. I knew that Suleiman did not like Ayas pasha the best but he was still a soldier who helped a lot during the wars and such.

"He is an honorable man who has helped you a lot, your majesty" I answered shrugging. Suleiman nodded his head thinking through my words.

"If Ayse agrees then I will bless this union" Suleiman responded. I sighed in relief and nodded my head. Now all I have to do is convince Ayse to agree to this marriage. I need to speak with Mihrimah and tell her some lie that I will work on getting Suleiman to marry her to TasliCali and at the same time convince him to marry her to someone else, but who?

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