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"Good morning" I smiled up at my love who was leaning over my lying form. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before getting out of bed.

"Can't we just stay here all day?" I asked sitting up and watched him as he walked over to his desk and sat down on it. It was too early in the morning that the sun hasn't risen just yet, I knew he woke me up so we could pray.

"We can after we pray, I don't plan on leaving this room today," he said making me grin happily and get out of bed. I dressed appropriately before we both started to pray beside each other. Sometimes it still feels weird to not be in a church with a priest and instead on a mat covering my head as I kneeled in front of God. I'm not saying that I don't love Islam, I do but I'm still not used to it having had a different religion for the entire of my life.

When we were done we sat at the edge of the bed after getting dressed. The sun was starting to rise but it wasn't yet illuminating any light.

"What do you want me to bring you this time?" I asked as he twirled a small flower on my arm. He smiled at the mention of the baby and looked up at me with a light in his eyes that I don't want to ever disappear.

"Maybe a girl this time, so Mihrimah has a playmate," he said dropping the flower and placed his hand on my stomach rubbing it slightly.

"I want a boy, so I could make you happy again," I said placing my hand on his cheek. He took my hand from his cheek and pulled it over to his lips and kissed my palm softly before he held it on his lap.

"As long as they're healthy I will be the happiest man ever," he said sweetly. I leaned forward and placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and placed a sweet kiss on the crown of my head before we pulled away as the aghas bought in our breakfast.

We sat down beside each other and started eating with small talk here and there not wanting to break the calm atmosphere yet. In this castle, there's barely any calm moments like now.

"Have you prepared Hatice sultan's present yet?" I asked after swallowing a piece of bread and honey.

"I have the sketch," he said standing up and taking a paper from his desk and handed it to me. My eyes skimmed the beautiful necklace on the paper.

"The tulip represents our family" he explained as I traced the picture.

"I wish I was part of your family," I said before I could stop myself. I knew that I can't ask for such a thing, I was a mere concubine and nothing special and I should feel lucky to even be in this castle let alone in his presence.

"You may leave, Qamar," he said with a slightly harder voice. I stood up and placed the sketch on the table a bowed feeling sad that I ruined this beautiful moment between us.

I walked out of the room and to Akile who was waiting for me outside with another made called Salma

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I walked out of the room and to Akile who was waiting for me outside with another made called Salma. I looked to the side to see Hurrem walking over which made me sigh not feeling like fighting right now.

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