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"Does really have to be now? Can't it wait until he's a little older?" I asked no one in particular. I paced up and down the length of my room. Hatice moved from where she sat with the children over to me and place a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Qamar, it's better done when he's younger than when he's older and remembers the pain" she rubbed up and down my back to comfort me. The doors to my room opened and Suleiman himself walked in making everyone bow to him. He walked over to me and looked down at Cihangir in my arms.

"I know that you care a lot about Cihangir, Qamar, but this is for the best" Suleiman's voice was filled with sadness and sorrow making me tear up a little. He must be going through hell, he lost his second wife and now there is a possibility he will lose yet another child. I turned to look at Gülfem who was sitting with the children, she gave me an encouraging nod.

"Take care of him" I whispered turning around and handing Cihangir to Suleiman. He gave me a smile and leaned down placing a kiss on my forehead. That kiss alone meant the world to me, he was proud of me and loved me and it showed through every move he did.

"I promise to bring him back" he turned around and left the room. Hatice wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards the couch. I sat down in the middle with Osman on my right with the older set of twins on his other side, on my left sat Mehmed with Mihrimah and Selim. Murad, Beyazid, Kaya Ismihan, and Rana Beyhan were sat on my bed on the other side of the room. Korkut and Nuriye were napping in their cribs peacefully, the two, two years old knew nothing of what was happening around them.

"Isn't it taking too long?" I questioned rubbing my sweaty palms together. I turned to Hatice who was hugging Mihrimah to her side trying to comfort the distressed girl.

"It's supposed to take time, so they do the right thing" she answered. Just as she finished talking the doors to my room opened and a harem agha announced Suleiman's arrival. We all jumped up and bowed to the sultan as he walked in with a tired expression on his face.

"How did it go?" I asked stepping closer to him. I felt like I owed to these children to care for them after depriving them of their mother.

"He's alright, the operation went well" Suleiman answered. I let out a sigh of relief feeling my muscles relax under the weight of this joyous news.

"When can we visit him?" Mihrimah asked stepping beside me. I placed an arm around her shoulder. She looked up at me at the touch and smiled slightly at me.

"Not now, he needs his rest, you'll visit him later" Suleiman answered. He touched under her chin making her look at him and they smiled at each other. Mihrimah was content with his answer and returned to her previous place.

"When can I visit him? I think it's best if I take care of him than a maid" I whispered so the children won't hear my words. Suleiman turned from looking over all his children scattered around the room waiting for news about their youngest brother to me his wife and mother of most of the children in the room.

"Tonight, for now, let's leave him alone but by night time you can go and visit him" Suleiman answered. I nodded happily to his answer. He was right, Cihangir had a major operation and needed his rest.

"Are you alright?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Suleiman's eyes looked traumatized and hurt at the same time. It broke my heart seeing his smile slip off his face as he recalled something in his head.

"His screams will run through my head until my death" Suleiman whispered staring at something behind me. I closed my eyes willing myself and my brain to not imagine the screaming coming from the small body of the Sehzade.

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