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"How is Mehmed?" I asked out of breath and exhausted. I could feel the sweat sticking to every part of my body along with the sweat-drenched duvet. Rosie left with the midwives to the infirmary where they will be checking on the baby because he or she was born early but right now the gender of the baby did not matter.

"The doctors are still with him and so is his majesty" Bidar answered helping me out of the bed so they can clean up. My heart dropped at the sight of so much blood, I have never bled so much when giving birth which explained nausea and lightheadedness more than usual.

"Get rid of these sheets" I hissed glaring at the sheets

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"Get rid of these sheets" I hissed glaring at the sheets. Bidar helped me bathe as other maids changed the sheets in fear of my fury if I returned to see them still bloody. After my bath, Bidar helped me back into my clean room.

"Go see if Mehmed is alright" I ordered Bidar pulling the clean blanket over my lap. She bowed before leaving the room. The doors did not close behind her and Mustafa walked in, with a bundle in his arms, my child.

"My brother is healthy, thank Allah" Mustafa informed stepping beside the bed. My eyes dropped to the bundle in his arms, the baby was asleep.

"Do you want to hold him?" Mustafa asked leaning down to hand me the baby. I held my hand up making him stop with confusion all over his face.

"I will not hold this child until I see Mehmed" I hissed pushing the blanket back off of me. Mustafa's face showed the panic he was feeling. He balanced the baby on one arm and held the other to help me walk. I gripped his arm as I pushed myself back to my feet. I hissed but shook my head when two maids tried to walk over to help me.

I wrapped my arms around Mustafa's arm using him as an anchor to my weight. He helped me walk out of my room and down the corridor. Mahidevran was making her way over to my room but froze when Mustafa and I emerged from the corridor. Mustafa knocked on the door when we reached Mehmed's room. Two aghas opened the doors to show Mehmed still unconscious on his bed with Mihrimah sitting beside him on the bed while Suleiman was standing beside the bed. Suleiman turned to see who came and his eyes widened when he saw that it was me.

"Qamar, what are you doing here?" Suleiman asked walking over to us. I immediately pulled away from Mustafa and attached myself to Suleiman.

"I needed to check on Mehmed" I answered wincing in pain. Suleiman wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me walk over to the bed. I sighed as I did not have to hold my own weight anymore.

"Mother, you should be resting" Mihrimah whispered wiping her tears. I smiled at her trying to show her I was alright and there was no need to worry.

"Will you hold our brother now?" Mustafa asked interrupting Mihrimha before she could speak again. He knew she was going to ask me to go rest again and he also knew that I would not do that.

"Yes," I held open my arms. Mustafa placed the newborn in my arms. I kissed the baby's forehead before turning to Mehmed who was still unconscious, he looked like he was sleeping. I slid further up on the bed being mindful of my gown and leaned against the headboard beside Mehmed and in between him and Mihrimah.

"My darling" I ran my unoccupied hand through his soft brown hair. I placed the newborn to lay beside Mehmed, maybe if he felt his brother near him he will wake up.

"Your majesty" An agha called walking hurriedly. He bowed to Suleiman with his head facing the floor.

"They have caught the man responsible" The agha informed. Suleiman eyes Mustafa before he left the room in a hurry. It finally hit me, Suleiman was suspicious of Mustafa but a feeling inside of me told me that Mustafa would never have done that and never will.

"Do you think he will wake up?" Mihrimah asked biting her lip so no more sobs would escape her lips. I took her hand in between my own trying to comfort her.

"I know he will" I answered smiling lightly. I did not know if I was comforting her or myself at this point. The newborn boy let out a small whine and wiggled a little earning our attention. Seconds later Mehmed's eyes opened slowly.

"Mehmed?" Mihrimah asked shocked to see her brother awake. My hand snapped on the uninjured part of his back and I leaned down to be closer to his eye level.

"Mehmed" I sighed in relief placing a kiss on the crown of his head. Mihrimah scrambled off the bed to call for the doctors.

"You should not have gotten out of bed" Suleiman scolded me. I chuckled shaking my head knowing he worried too much. I fixed my headscarf already expecting everyone to come except Mehmed who was still resting in his room, for the naming of the new baby.

"Mehmed is just as much my son as this newborn," I said back ending whatever argument he had on his tongue. Suleiman smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. The doors to my room opened and everyone poured in including Cihangir.

"Let's begin" Suleiman opened his arms for me to place the new baby in his arms. I looked at Mahidevran, I could see the worry she held for her son after Mehmed told everyone that the arrow was aimed at Mustafa he just got in the way trying to protect his brother.

"Inshallah his name will be Seyfettin, Religion's sword. I pray that he will honor his name and be the sword to kill our enemies in the name of our empire and religion" Suleiman had the biggest smile on his face. Suleiman always said that he would be happy with whatever our Allah sent us and he never once showed a different emotion other than happiness when we get a new child. I was thankful that he was the father of my children, he never once showed a difference between our children whether they were boys or girls.

"Amen," I muttered along with everyone else in the room. Mustafa was present to standing beside his mother, he had a small smile on his face, he was happy to have a new brother but the worry was obvious on his face, he feared his future with a new brother born and at the same time the enemy that was still out there trying to kill him.

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