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"Why did you not show the letter to his majesty, Sultanim?" Hundi asked suddenly. She was helping me walk around my room to train my legs after sitting around for so long.

"I am not putting my children in harm's way, Hundi, I will not take such a risk" I hissed at the pain in my stomach. Hundi helped me sit down on a couch and stepped back with a dark look on her face.

"I believe it is better if you show the letter to his majesty, that way Ibrahim Pasha will be punished for his crimes," Hundi said slamming her staff down on the carpeted ground.

"What if he has spies and the second he is taken they harm my children? What if they kill them?" I asked using logic over heartache. Hundi sighed and shook her head angrily.

"If only he dies then the entire world would be happy, no one likes him except the sultan and Hatice Sultan" Hundi said angrily. I nodded in confirmation. A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Come in" I called. The doors opened and Mustafa walked into my room much to my and Hundi's shock. He bowed to me with sad eyes watching me watch him.

"Mustafa, what a surprise" I didn't know what to say for a second. Hundi stepped to the side and kept a close eye on the eldest son of Sultan Suleiman Khan.

"How are you feeling, Sultanim," Mustafa asked. I was shocked at the amount of worry in his voice and words.

"I am better, thank you for asking and caring Sehzadem" I smiled softly at him. Mustafa turned to look at Hundi and signaled for her to leave the room. Hundi turned to look at me wide-eyed at the suggestion but I gave her a nod to leave. Maybe he wanted to tell me something and was embarrassed to say it in front of her. Hundi bowed to the both of us and left the room.

"Is there something wrong, Mustafa?" I asked. I stood up from the couch with a small wince. I stepped closer to my stepson.

"Yes, there is definitely something wrong with me," Mustafa said with tears in his eyes. He looked down at the ground in what I can only assume was shame.

"What is it? How can I help you?" I asked worriedly. Mustafa took a deep breath and looked up at me with as much courage as he could muster.

"I have feelings for you" he admits. My eyes widened in shock and horror. No, he can't. He cannot have feelings for me, I am married to his father for Allah's sake. Horror shook my bones at his confession.

"Mustafa, I am the mother of your siblings, you should know your limits" I whispered afraid of someone passing by and hearing this conversation

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"Mustafa, I am the mother of your siblings, you should know your limits" I whispered afraid of someone passing by and hearing this conversation. I have never been this afraid before in my life, now I know what Hürrem must have felt with Leo.

"I know, I can't help it" Mustafa stepped closer to me making my stomach drop. He placed his hands on my shoulders, touching me for the first time since he and returned as a young man instead of a young boy.

"Mustafa-" I started but he interrupted me by placing a finger on my lips.

"Let me live this moment for a second" he whispered as a tear rolled down his face. He pulled me in for a tight hug and sobbed on my shoulder as a small child would.

"I was so afraid when I heard. It felt like my heart stopped for a minute when grandmother told us. I wanted to run to you and make sure you were okay. I wanted to slay whoever did this to you" he whispered as his sobs subsided. Newfound strength came over me and I was able to push him away. I felt horrible for what I did next but he needed to wake up, I raised my hand and slapped him across the face.

"Pull yourself together Mustafa. I am your stepmother, do not ever step over your boundaries. I will act as if none of this happened and that I didn't hear anything of what you said for the sake of my children but never ever again overstep your boundaries" I hissed angrily. Mustafa looked stunned for a second. He nodded sadly and wiped his face clean of tears just as the doors to my room opened and Suleiman walked in freezing at the sight of his son in my room.

"Your majesty" we both bowed to him. My heart has never beaten so fast in my entire life before.

"What are you doing here Mustafa?" Suleiman asked. He stepped over to us and placed his hands behind his back.

"I-I wanted to check up on Qamar Sultan after what happened with her" Mustafa stuttered. He was shaking under his father's gaze.

"Go on then" Suleiman pointed to the door. Mustafa bowed to us before he scrambled out of the room.

"Such a well-mannered prince, he came to check on me when he didn't have to," I said giving a nervous laugh to Suleiman.

"Be careful Qamar, you and Mustafa shouldn't be in the same room alone again" Suleiman warned. He walked over to my bed and sat down. I placed my hand over my wound trying to stop the throbbing as I wobbled over to him.

"Of course your majesty. I'm sure his intentions were innocent and pure" I forced myself to smile. The incident repeated itself in my mind, the way Mustafa hugged me and cried on my shoulder made me shudder. I could never imagine anyone other than Suleiman being near me ever in my life.

"Of course, but you as well as I have to teach him the costumes" Suleiman chuckled. He pulled me in for a hug. My smile dropped once my chin was placed on his shoulder and it was out of his sight. I let out a small sigh of relief closing my eyes thanking Allah for his generosity. If Suleiman had walked in only a minute earlier then I would probably be on my way to my death by now along with Mustafa.

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