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"She's being moved straight to the favorite's wing," I said angrily tightening my grip on the railing. I and Hürrem were stood on the balcony above the harem watching as the princess moved to the palace.

"In no time she will be trying to get into Suleiman's bed," Hürrem said turning to look at me.

"I won't allow that, give me some time," I said reassuringly patting her hand before we turned back to look at the princess who looked up at us and smirked evilly.

"Let me murder her" Hürrem begged angrily glaring heatedly at the spoiled princess. Oh, how I wish to rip her head off of her body.

"Not in public, Hürrem," I said turning around and walking down the steps to the harem. All of the girls stopped their chattering and bowed to me respectfully.

"Welcome to Topkapi palace princess," I said smiling at her softly. She was shocked by my smooth talk and how calm I was in her presence.

"Thank you, Qamar" she answered back. I could some of the girls whispering to each other when she used my name.

"Princess you can not call her her majesty by her name," Daye Hatun said with her stone face still on as usual. I have been in this palace for years but not once did I see a smile on this woman's face before.

"Why not? She's a slave and I'm a princess I can call her what I want" the princess said shrugging her shoulders.

"She's my wife and I expect you to respect her and treat her as such" I moved to the side and bowed to Suleiman the moment his voice reached my ears.

"But she's a slave" the princess whined after bowing to Suleiman.

"She's a free woman and my legal wife princess. This is not slave standing in front of you" Suleiman said stepping closer to me. The look on his face was not one I could read, it was a mystery. I didn't know if he was mad or just didn't care.

"B-but Sultans can't marry slaves," she said eyes wide with shock. Her eyes moved to look at me and glared as her nostrils flared angrily.

"I can do what I want," Suleiman said in a dangerously low voice. He was losing his cool with this woman and I didn't have to do anything.

"Qamar, follow me" he ordered and walked out of the harem. I smirked at the princess and followed after my love.

After I finished my conversation with Suleiman I walked back to the harem, the princess was still my responsibility, I walked up to the favorites' rooms and walked into the one the princess was using with her maid.

"How are you settling in, princess?" I asked letting her title leave my lips with more of a mock in my voice and I'm sure she heard it but ignored it.

"I'm good" she answered simply sneering up at me as if I was her worst enemy which I'm sure I was. I had patience but it has its limits and right now this princess was getting on my nerves.

"Good to know and I'm sure your father will appreciate that too," I said smirking when I saw her eyes widen. I took the letter Rosie held out to me. Sahihuban Sultan sent me this letter from Isabella's father. The princess snatched the letter from me and tore it open.

I smirked and left the room. She will be stuck in her room for a while now. I walked back down to the main harem where Mahidevran stood, her smirk dropped when she saw me leaving the princess's room.

"What did you do to the princess?" She asked harshly. Aww, Isabella's guard dog is protective.

"I didn't do anything" I answered with a shrug and a smirk on my face.

"Gülsah, go check on the princess we don't know what this woman did to her" Mahidevran sneered angrily. Her maid bowed and ran up to the favorite's room.

"Know your place Mahidevran and remember who you're accusing of such things" I hissed angrily glaring at her. I took a threatening step forward making her weaver a little. I pushed past her and went to stand beside Hundi Kalfa and Rosie.

"I hate this woman with a passion" Rosie said looking at Mahidevran with a sneer. I couldn't agree with her more, Mahidevran believed that the world revolved around her and she couldn't be more wrong.

"Lower your voice or she'll hear you" Hundi warned Rosie who only shrugged her shoulder. I took a piece of my hair and started twirling it as the princess walked down the stairs beside Mahidevran's loyal pet.

"Look at the way she walks, so western," I said smirking slightly as Hundi and Rosie turned to look at her. The princess eyes me slightly and she obviously could see we were making fun of her for something.

"I'm going back to my room" I walked back out of the harem and to my room where Osman and Abdullah were running after each other on their wooden horses. I smiled softly ruffling Osman's hair as I passed by to walk over to Ayse and Mihrimah who were playing with their dolls.

"Are you having fun?" I asked the two girls who nodded their heads happily. The doors opened and Hürrem walked in with one of her maids.

"I came to take Mihrimah, I don't want to bother you longer," she said and nodded at her made to take the young Sultana.

"What happened in the harem?" Hürrem asked walking over to the couch I sat on. I looked at Zeynep who immediately understood and took the children to the other room.

"Nothing of importance but I think Suleiman will be getting rid of her all on his own," I said smirking. She looked at me confused and waited for an explanation.

"She has been disrespectful towards me and I'm sure she'll do the same to you but if we could make her do something unforgivable then we would be getting rid of her for good and she'd be the one who did it to herself" I explained. Hürrem's face twisted into a smirk matching mine.

"I like what you're thinking of"

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