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As the time passed, I realized that Suleiman wasn't going to forgive me easily, this was a major rule I broke. The harem women cannot be seen by men who are not the sultan. It broke my heart being away from Suleiman for such a long period of time, it reminded me of the time he was angry at me when I was pregnant with the twins.

I started showing soon after the fight, it was my fifth pregnancy and sixths child so my body was already used to the stretch and I would earlier than the time before as usual. I looked at myself in the mirror and admired my growing bump wishing Suleiman was here with me admiring our child in the mirror.

"Sultanim, he'll forgive you someday" Rosie would assure me every day but that day she spoke of never came even after seven months

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"Sultanim, he'll forgive you someday" Rosie would assure me every day but that day she spoke of never came even after seven months.

"I don't know what's happening" I groaned loudly as Zeynep helped me lay down on the bed.

"It's too early to give birth" I whined leaning my head back feeling a scream bubble up inside of me as the pain worsened.

"The Sultana is right, she barely got into her ninth month" Zeynep nodded her head agreeing with me. Rosie had already gone to get the doctor while Akile and Helen were with the children in the other chamber.

"I'll tell the imperial family" Hundi ran out of the room hurriedly. It warmed my heart to see these women care about me.

"Listen Zeynep, if something happens to me during this then my children will be in you four's hands along with Hundi, protect them from Mahidevran and Hürrem if she ever broke the agreement between us," I said through gritted teeth trying to hold in the pain.

"You will be fine Sultana, you've done this before" Zeynep reassured me pushing back some of my hair. I huffed leaning my head back as a scream ripped through my teeth. Just as I calmed down the doors burst open and the Valide came storming in.

"Where are the doctors?" She asked just as Rosie came running in with a midwife who went to work immediately.

"Sultanim, the baby's head is already out" the midwife warned. I nodded groaning as another wave hit me. Birth took less and less time each time I did it but it wasn't any less painful.

"That's it," the midwife said after a couple of pushes. She pulled the baby out making me sign in relief as the pressure left my body.

"A beautiful girl," she said cutting the cord and wrapped her up in a blanket. I would love this baby to bits but I couldn't help but feel slight disappointment, two girls in a row and god forbids but maybe Suleiman wouldn't want me near him again and they may be my last children. I smiled softly as they placed the baby in between my arms.

"May Allah grants her a long-lasting life with her parents," the Valide said not showing any emotions on her face. I kissed my dear girl's hairline as she fussed around. I looked up as the doors opened and Suleiman strutted into the room.

"It's a daughter, my lion," the valide said smiling at her son. Suleiman nodded and walked over to the bed. I couldn't look up at him so I opted to stare at my newborn daughter.

THE SULTAN'S HEART| MAGNIFICENT CENTURY|Where stories live. Discover now