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"It's safe to go out now," Nasuh said making us sigh in relief. I stood up and held a sleeping Osman close to me while Mustafa followed me like a lost duckling.

I was the first out of the shelter and in Hatice sultan's room. I ordered the maids to prepare the bed for when Nasuh will bring her up here and to bring some food for the poor children who haven't eaten since yesterday.

"Hurrem, Gulfem what happened?" I turned from the window and walked closer to the bed where Hatice now laid looking around in confusion.

"What happened to my baby?" She asked again her eyes averting to me. I closed my eyes for a second to hold back the tears before sitting down beside Hurrem and nudged her to say.

"He's now an a-angel in the sky," Hurrem said barely being able to compose herself as she spoke.

"No!" Hatice yelled starting to thrash around. Esma and Helen immediately went to the kids and pulled them out of the room, they don't need any more trauma.

I, Hurrem, and Gulfem tried to get her to calm down and stop thrashing around as she yelled and screamed in pain for the loss of her baby.

The doctor ran in and immediately gave her some medicine to make her calm down. I stood up unable to watch this anymore, I've never lost a child thank Allah but that doesn't mean it hurt any less I'm a mother and know how it feels. May Allah be with Abdullah and Ayse.

My eyes widened when I saw the familiar white horse and my lover on him. He jumped off and looked at the fallen carriage with horror on his face.

I ran out of the room confusing the other women there. I ran down the stairs just as Suleiman walked into the castle.

"Suleiman" I explained making him turn around just as I collided with him. He held me close to him picking me up a little off the floor and held me tightly against his body.

"My moon" he whispered in my ear sounding like he was on the verge of crying but was holding himself back.

"Are you alright?" He asked pulling away and looking me over but I shook him off with a soft smile.

"I'm fine and the children are fine and so is Hurrem," I said before he asked. He sighed in relief. We both turned as we heard footsteps, Hurrem was running down the stairs as fast as she could.

I out of the way to give them a moment. I know that usually women would go crazy at the sight of the man they love in the arms of another woman but this, our situation, our relationship was not normal there will always be more than one in his life. In our marriage alone there was me, him, and the dynasty let alone the harem.

"How's Hatice?" He asked turning to look at the both of us. I and Hurrem shared a look that seemed to concern him.

"You should check on her yourself," Hurrem said. Suleiman immediately ran up the stairs. I and Hurrem followed him as Hatice cried on her bother's arms who seemed more than furious.

I picked up Osman from Helen who led Mustafa out behind me into one of the carriages waiting for us outside of Hatice's castle.

When we reached the throne's castle I was the first to leave the carriage feeling suffocated in there. The valide had a look of relief on her face when she saw me unharmed. I helped Mustafa down the steps who immediately ran to his mother who burst into tears. Mehmed ran to his grandmother as his mother got out of her carriage.

Helen came down and handed me, Osman. The Valide walked over to me to check up on him before her attention averted to Hatice who was being helped down the steps by Sunbul and Gulfem and some harem aghas.

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