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Rosie placed my crown over my head when she was done with styling my hair for the engagement party. I have decided to have the engagement party begin early in the afternoon so all three girls can shine through it and have the attention equally divided on them. This was the first time I had worn any color other than black ever since Osman died.

"Beautiful as ever, Sultanim"Rosie complimented. I turned to face her with a smile. My eyes trailed to the door that led to my private bathhouse where Mihrimah, Ayse, and Kaya-Ismihan were bathing before the party.

"I will go down to the harem, as you know the Sultanas should arrive soon and I need to welcome them" I walked out of my room and found Rana-Beyhan and Nuriye standing beside the door with a maid holding Seyfettin.

"Come on, girls" I ordered. The two girls bowed to me and separated to create a path for me. I walked down the stairs and made my way to the doors of the harem where several ladies, wives of pashas and important aghas, were standing.


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"DESTOR, HASEKI QAMAR SULTAN, HAS ARRIVED" a harem agha announced. the women immediately bowed and the soft music being played paused as all the concubines bowed to me.

"Emine Hatun, I am very glad to see you have accepted my invitation," I said gazing at the woman. Her smile lit up with a smile when she realized that I had remembered her from the last time we met.

"Thank you for the invite, Sultanim

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"Thank you for the invite, Sultanim. I am very honored to share your happiness with you, may our Sultanas have a happy life" She responded. The women around her watched our interaction with a smile on their faces except for one woman, Fülane hatun, her sister was married to Mustafa Pasha and he divorced her when the announcement of his engagement to Kaya was announced, and thankfully they had no children to suffer from this.

"Please, go in and enjoy your time, my girls will be here soon" I opened my arm in the harem's direction. The women walked into the harem and Afife Hatun immediately ran over to show them their rightful places around the harem on the different round tables.

"Will Father join us, mother?" Beyhan questioned. I smiled at the girl and touched her chin, she looked beyond beautiful in her red dress.

"Later, dear girl" I answered. I walked into the harem and made my way over to the throne placed on the right side of the harem with two thrones on the right and two on the left. I sat on the main throne and Beyhan sat on the one beside me one of the smaller thrones. Nuriye joined the younger girls she knew from her classes in the Sultan's school, of course, they were all noble girls daughters of important men.

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